Калинин Георгий Викторович : другие произведения.

Innovative high powerful nuclear electric liquid chemical rocket engine on a pair of fuels liquid bromine, liquid potassium-sodium alloy for a flight to Mars, and the problems of physics and the history of science, wich did not allow to solve the problem of creating such an engine earlier(for Iepc 2022 Boston)

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    This scientific article is a retaliatory blow "headwork"/ "drop-hummer" of the entire rocket science against the criminal regarding the US legislation / the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Trials of Joe Biden - who is not the US president and not the elected US president - but appointed by the European Union because of the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty - why now an organized war in Ukraine and Ukrainians are dying just so that the European Union can completely ""Trojan horse Open Skies Treaty of pseudo-negotiation war in Ukraine as his EU Crimea/Lugansk/Donetsk regionalization program "Community Charter for Regionalization 1988"& "Па́ртiя регiо́нiв"" destroy the United States.

  This article on the creation of a new nuclear rocket engine to fly to Mars was not accepted at the Vienna 2019 IEPC conference and is now not accepted at the 2022 Boston conference at the IEPC, because the scientific totalitarian sects of the European Union and their puppets in the face of the US Democratic Party are destroying military rocket science in the USA - like the creation of such fictional nightclubs by drug addict Elon Musk that is supposed to lead American youth astray - while in the USSR rocket science requires the same white coats as the nuclear industry - it promotes drug smoking, which is the EU's sabotage of the United States and the UK and South Africa - as well as the propaganda of fake "private space enterprises" - although the space industry of heavy engineering cannot be as private as the parsley trade or a small candle factory - and the rocket industry is thousands of organizations supervised by ministries of new types of states - as they were before their destruction country us of the Bipolar World of the USA-USSR - working in "Big Science" and not in any miniaturized science like any "nanotechnologies" and working not in some kind of Elon Musk's "private shoe shine shops" - in fact being such organizations of counter-conspiracy according to General Zubatov - which are student groups at military factories that implement them in the spirit of Soviet NTTM / RUSNANO - because only such huge state programs as the Manhattan project - can create space rockets - only a neon-emitting man which parts of the nozzle are cast from metal and which parts are forged and what complex technologies for the production of gunpowder and rocket fuels - can believe in the legend of Elon Musk - just designed for young people - because they have the Future, which they are trying to deprive them of with drugs and pseudo-wars (and Ukraine, by the way, was famous for its and space potential Yuzhmash and aircraft building factories like Antonov-destroyed by US democrats, just like in Russia they are these US democrats while ruling Russia, they actively destroyed the ZIL factories and are destroying the VASO plant and a bunch of others - destroying my city of Voronezh - since the entire leadership of the city and the country works for them - my city of Voronezh - it was a cross-border industrialized bush to Kharkov - like the city of Winsor is to Detroit-that Detroit, which should be the point of entry for the military industry, remilitarization and reindustrialization and oil that Joe Biden cheated by depriving him of the Keystone oil pipeline from Canada - the very one where the worker - whose father created Gorbachev - destroyed the USSR, and now Joe Biden has become the same US gravedigger - what a gravedigger for the USSR was Gorbachev).
  These democrats of Russia and the US democrats who created them in 1991 are strange, they do not understand that having destroyed countries they will not be able to live without a country, and death awaits them in any case - the death of a traitor to their homeland.
  The goal of the conflict in Ukraine, created by the US Democrats, is to bring the US back into the Open Skies program in order to destroy American missiles and the American missile industry and through it to destroy the military-mobilized civilian industry and further destroy those miserable remnants of the industry that were destroyed during sabotage pseudo-democrats of the United States - for at least half a century. First of all, after his inauguration, Joe Biden inserted like a half-dead horse, bled white by the deindustrialization of the United States, into the collar of the START-3 agreement, for this now Ukrainians are being killed in Ukraine - they are not interested in people, they are only for Democrats reason - thanks to the pseudo-war - the purpose of which is not Victory or defeat, but the purpose of which is the conclusion of "treaties and agreements" - a pact between Russia and the United States on the restoration of such agreements as the INF Treaty and NSV-3 and the "Open Skies" treaty - under which the United States should photograph with its aircraft the destruction of missiles on the ground in Russia and send these aerial photographs to Belgium - to the European Union, just as Russian planes must fly and control how the Americans destroy their missiles and destroy their country - and transmit this data to Belgium in the European Union. That is, this performance with the murder of many Ukrainians is needed by the US Democrats only to throw the yoke on the United States of the process of sawing missiles and sawing the American missile industry - this was clear from the Russian television program in which they falsely said that the Open Skies treaty - supposedly this would help to find out who shot down the Ukrainian Boeing - but this false statement was aimed at a non-specialist in the field of military affairs - it was designed for the layman, the "Open Skies" treaty - is needed by the American Democrats who created the Russian Democrats after 1991 completely resignedly controlled by them - in the form of the Yeltsin Family, which is now determining the policy of the country - which, by order US Democrats launched an attack on Ukraine - for the sake of h so that the US Democrats could destroy the US country itself by obliging it to destroy its missiles - protecting American military-political and financial-diplomatic sovereignty, as well as to destroy the missile itself. industry and the military industry - of course, destroying American education - as well as destroying Russian education, destroying American libraries - just as Russian Libraries are destroyed by the same European Union - in terms of literature dedicated to the destruction of those books about industry - book profile factories - which are destroyed both in the USA and in Russia -because the Open Skies Treaty and the START-3 Treaty and the INF Treaty - has the goal of serving to destroy the remnants of the US-USSR bipolar system -destroyed by the European Union - this brainchild of Adolf Hitler -with its ideology of the Nazi fascist and the application of the OST plan not only to conquered Russia in 1991 by the US Democrats - but also the use of extermination of both the Americans themselves and the US country itself by the hands of the US pseudo-democrats.
  The only way out for the United States can be Super-heavy reindustrialization - consisting of the reindustrialization of super-heavy mechanical engineering and super-heavy machine tool building. We now see the opposite of pseudo-science such as "nannotechnology" - the purpose of which is the miniaturization of experimental equipment (for example, instead of researching forging on a steam hammer of 100 tons - which are destroyed everywhere because they forged cannons and propeller shafts for battleships and their artillery spotters of hydroplanes - destroyed therefore the Schneider Cup - they study minaturized processes such as "sinter forging" - the size of a tablet-sized glass-ceramic forging (now there are ingots over 500 tons) - that is, they are like Ivan Susanin takes Progress in the wrong direction - towards non-existent and shining with the cadaveric poison of phosphine, non-existent technologies - such as "nanotechnology", "digital technology" - and other things that Anatoly Chubais is doing in Russia - a true friend of the US Democrats, and Biden who disarms USA since 1979 the analogue of Gorbachev is still being destroyed by the United States, you don"t have to be able to come up with nuclear rocket engines - for this you need to be older than a year and a half from birth) - so shifting the arrows to the "unusable object" from super-heavy industry to miniature mechanisms of MEMS micromechanics and micro-rocket engineering of ion engines of microsatellites (for which the IEPC conference was created with the methods of work of the Abwehr in the Crimea, posing as scientific organizations) - they strive to stop the development of super-heavy industry (a super-heavy rocket with a nuclear engine for flying to Mars) - for example, a vector of research on miniaturization - since the criminal committee of the conference IEPC 2022 Boston - which did not accept my scientific article, not like in 2019 in Vienna, but already in Boston, despite the fact that it is revolutionary and refutes the deliberately false direction of connecting a rocket engine to a nuclear reactor through thermal heating, which gives chaotic acceleration and not like mine freezing of alkali halide plasma under about the processes of nuclear explosion by hiding Marxist sects of the USSR - which is a pseudo-scientific pseudo-composition of the conference, I hope in full force in due time - which will definitely come - will notice the best places in the filtration and concentration camps - to investigate how Joe Biden and the US Democrats destroy America - at the New Nuremberg Tribunal to investigate the crime of the Fourth Reich of the European Union - created by SS lawyer Adolf Hitler.
  My rocket is actually a continuation of what was called Zilberfogel, it was predicted back in 1904 by the American rocket scientist Robert Goddard, saying that the nuclear decay energy will provide the most powerful working fluid for working in a rocket engine. It is known that the reserves of chlorine trifluoride and liquid potassium sodium alloy were discovered together with sarin - back in World War II. To understand now - what is happening - the desire of the European Union, together with Joe Biden, to destroy both rocket science and Progress towards super-heavy reindustrialization and its part in the form of a super-heavy rocket for flying to Mars - you need to understand - firstly, that the European Union has deliberately divided Ukraine into 5 parts since 2014 - because the stomach of the European Union is not able to swallow the whole country - from the sea to the mountains - by the hands of the Yeltsin Family, completely controlled by the US pseudo-democrats controlled from the European Union (of course, apparently in Hitler's corridors also have a control center) -Ukraine was dismembered by separating and dividing the seaside hour Ukraine, Crimea, the industrial part of Luhansk and Donetsk, the scientific part of Kharkov, the administrative part of Kyiv and the religious part of Transcarpathia. It must be understood that the construction of the Crimean bridge was lobbied by the European Union as the regionalization and decentralization of Crimea - according to the political program of the "Party of Regions" - also how Donbass and Luhansk were turned by the European Union into the "Luhansk People's Republic" and "Donetsk People's Republic" (Soviet heavy industry plants - a groundwork for super-heavy reindustrialization and super-heavy remilitarization) in accordance with Ukrainian law synchronized with the law of the European Union - in terms of decentralization and regionalization of Ukraine (as a political the EU program developed by Adolf Hitler called the "OST" plan for the conquered territories) - because Ukrainians are very talented and intelligent people and cannot live in the fascist Trotsky bloc of the EU, but now, as the EU has bombed Libya for the influx of refugee slaves, and now the EU is bombing silt Ukraine for the sake of an influx of new refugees (pursuing many goals, but the main one is to deceive US citizens and destroy the final US by restoring the Open Skies agreement between the US and Russia).
  It's amazing how Joe Biden needs to hate his country - in order to destroy it, it's clear why he kills Ukrainians - he needs kidneys and other organ transplants - which will then again be in cryocontainers for a violin case to go to EU countries like France - of course, instead of with Russian human bodies - it"s not in vain that military crematoria (such as IN-50.1K of the "Gen. Vlasov" company "Tourmaline" - like the furnaces of their ancestors of the Nazis in Buchenwald) work hiding the business of black transplantation - the support of the Maltese of the European Union in the fight against the destruction of the Jesuit reduction of the USSR (from the explosion of Chernobyl to aggression against Ukraine for the benefit of the European Union). The goal of the European Union is also to weaken Great Britain, a country friendly to Ukraine, by building the Crimean Bridge limiting large-capacity naval shipping (and we know that bankers destroyed drenouts and steam hammers for their cannons and propeller shafts, so the destruction of the Tsar Molot Motovivlikha factories by Lenin led to the blockade of L eningrad), and, accordingly, to prevent the development in Ukraine of the development of both ports and shipbuilding plants - and most recently, before the War in Ukraine, the European Union destroyed the Black Sea Shipyard "- which speaks of the correctness of thought and confirmation of the facts - that the European Union is preventing the UK from developing and is aging destroy the UK - trying to take over after Brexit again on the topic of natural gas - although in the UK under Thatcher there are many mothballed coal mines that need to be opened and operated - just like the British Navy and the fishing fleet of Great Britain demand freedom of navigation and the independence of island foundations is overlooked - and therefore, the European Union, in order to prevent the development of ports and shipyards on the Black Sea - it regionalized not only Crimea with the help of the Crimean Bridge designed by the European Union (like an anti-tank gouge-no sea) - but also the scorched earth tactics of destroying the connection of industrial bushes odes of heavy metallurgy in Donetsk and Lugansk with coastal shipyards and ports - taking into account, most importantly, the maritime traditions of the Black Sea Ukraine and the metallurgical culture and traditions of the Ukrainian Donbass.
  All the slogans of a pseudo-war in Ukraine - not waged according to the rules of war by creating filtration concentration camps and separating the army from the civilian population - if it were not imprisoned under the farce of negotiations on nuclear and missile disarmament in order to destroy the United States by entering back into the Open Skies Treaty -and if it were a war - and not a massacre of babies - then it would end just like an inept player in any board game like backgammon or chess or perforation goes too far - and falling into a trap forever loses pace and loses the original multi-card bet - like " mars" or "coke" in backgammon - and therefore the pseudo-war in Ukraine in the form of "baby slaughter" from the Bible was created for the sake of negotiations - in which Joe Biden will involve the US in a treaty to destroy missiles in the US called the "Open Skies" treaty, because he, like a puppeteer, plays with the hands of several puppets - and for these "negotiations" (which speaks of participation in the planning of the UN) - all demands are made on Ukraine those directed by Russia were written by Joe Biden himself - this is "demilitarization" and "neutral nuclear status" (there is still not enough BLM and requirements for wind engines and the like). The goal of the European Union is the final destruction of the USSR factories in Ukraine and Russia, as well as the destruction Belarus itself and Soviet factories - especially the Sosny nuclear laboratory (where the last caterpillar nuclear reactor for the Arctic was - running on nitrogen tetroxide - rocket fuel, and therefore applicable for a nuclear rocket engine) and a rocket carrier plant - the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (MZKT) - these are all the goals of the European Union, which are pursued for the sake of destroying the remnants of the US-USSR Bipolar World during the Cold War.
  This scientific article is a retaliatory blow "headwork"/ "drop-hummer" of the entire rocket science against the criminal regarding the US legislation / the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Trials of Joe Biden - who is not the US president and not the elected US president - but appointed by the European Union because of the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty - why now an organized war in Ukraine and Ukrainians are dying just so that the European Union can completely destroy the United States.
  The work was submitted to the IEPS 2019 conference at the University of Vienna, but was not allowed by the conference management, although it answered all the questions that were not understood by the conference participants, as well as in connection with the ban in Europe on testing nuclear-powered rockets in space and the trend towards deindustrialization and population reduction of the false doctrine of the "Golden Billion" (by homicide) - this article does not call to save the Austrian whales, but calls instead of a university tea party to answer the questions of the universe, this abstract was not even accepted even for an oral report. At the entrance of the conference, I understood the nature of electrical resistance and superconductivity (an additional current is supplied to the emitting cathode - cryogenic or plasma) and already at home I realized that the European counterpoint is the term "Emptiness" of Chinese philosophy - the emptiness that gives rise to a thousand things - which says that the theoretical aspects of invention in China were realized for many thousands of years before given publications. This is a description of the history of unusual deaths, of which I found even more in the History of Sarin and Soman - with the pharmacist of carbamates of branched narcotic alcohols - Meyer (also the DNA program as in Detachment 731) and his uncle who worked with Fritz Haber, as well as realized the Soviet-Nazi programs on the project of organophosphorus poisonous substances bear Turkic names because they were most likely created in the USSR in Central Asia - apparently closer to Detachment 731 in the fields of Pingfan, in which opium poppy was grown for the Gulag of Stalin's gold mines - as an international project. I want to note that Inventors like Professor Bull or engineer Gerlach or inventor Derkachev get lead bullets (or bricks to the head) and scientists get gold medals because it's just a theater of scientists like a musical performance of horses.
  In the course of my research, I discovered that music in preschool education lays the foundation for the semantics of musical notation - after all, the first German reactors were clearly created under the influence of solfeggio and the Vienna Opera, and the discovery of uranium was due to religious paintings and the paint factory in Jochimsthall - as Mr. Kazinsky - which speaks of the way of harmonizing the exciting impressions that inspire the work of a scientist, over the harsh methods of creating non-working scientific teams that often absorb their scientists - like Jupiter devouring its children.
  Creating an engine for the last stage of a rocket for a flight to Mars is possible only by combining all the available types of rocket engines - electrical, chemical and nuclear - in one rocket engine. It is necessary to fuel the fuel based primarily on reactor properties and to maximize the benefits more fully apply the imitation of the processes of a nuclear explosion - and this means that the products of combustion of rocket fuel must imitate the products of a nuclear explosion (since a nuclear explosion is stronger than chemical and a nuclear explosion products should accelerate a rocket more strongly than a chemical explosion product). In a nuclear explosion, halides of alkali and alkaline earth metals are formed due to the fission of uranium (whose electrical conductivity makes the magnetic field of a nuclear explosion frozen), and when an ordinary chemical explosive is exploded, gases (with the difference that the plasma of a chemical explosion is much colder and most important does not have an orderly direction of ion acceleration by strong magnetic fields - instead of this the Brownian oscillation of molecules ul and excitement in optical spectra - since low magnetic intensity of the field and cold plasma do not give the processes that exist in an atomic bomb). From here follow the main problems - purely from the theory of incorrectly posed problems - which are solved by searching for answers in other fields of knowledge - we have This is a combination with other types of rocket engines. The first is the incorrectness of reducing the flame temperature to the plasma temperature - for example, the plasma observed in accelerators: since the plasma description concept does not take into account the fact that in the absence of strong magnetic fields there is no clearly defined non-statistical trajectory of accelerating ions. The second problem is that, because of secrecy, there is confusion in the terminology relating to nuclear weapons. The incorrect term "thermonuclear bomb" gives confusion and misunderstanding that lithium deuteride deuterons divide uranium in the middle of the explosion process, since the thermalized neutrons are already captured by uranium more weakly - which is how the impossibility of starting tokamaks to start is because the launch into the working one deuterium chamber, and it is necessary to inject deuterium fluoride with uranium hexafluoride of natural isotopy. The fourth problem is the erroneous use of hydrogen in nuclear rocket engines - the Soviet physicists even suggested adding metal uranium there because they had poor knowledge of chemistry, and yet there is a problem in the gas extensibility formula - where they forget that lightweight hydrogen is a cryogenic liquid heating which needs to spend tremendous energy. The fifth problem is the misunderstanding of what a Volt is and what Amp is in electrical engineering - if you present a wire in scaled size as an LHC CERN collider, then you will see between the atoms of the crystal lattice, where the Volt unit will be the accelerating magnetic field force, and the Ampere will be the number of accelerated electrons. And this means in order to impose a magnetic field current on a rocket nozzle with a pair of rocket fuel coming onto it, it is necessary to have one electron or a photon (magnetic fields) on each molecule, which means that the current can only be constant - as the product Since the magnetic field (voltage) on the number of electrons in a conductor (amperage) - there is a constant value determined by the resistance and electrical conductivity of the conductor, then it is more important for us to have many electrons per molecule leaving the nozzle. Also, the sixth problem still needs to be identified - not understanding by modern physics of the mistakes of the past - incorrectly linguistically borrowing the words of the scientific language of radiology in the language of nuclear physics. We know three types of basic radiation - alpha, beta and gamma, and so they confuse the symbol of gamma radiation with the symbol of photons - because I think a photon is a neutral electron, which gives a triad of symmetry together with an electron and a positron - this explains why we give the light bulb the current and light from it goes, or vice versa we shine into the photocell and from it current flows (like neutrino oscillations).
  In fact, the entire History of Science is the accumulating pile-up of errors that prevents you from flying to Mars - for example, from here they try to accelerate xenon, which is less electrically conductive than alkaline halides of a nuclear explosion (the same cesium iodide). To that add The release of xenon in an electric rocket engine is similar to the simple release of gas from a children's ball, and is not similar to the products of combustion of rocket fuels in an expanding magnetic field (by the way, the terms thrust and momentum in rocket production do not contain everyone is correct). Again, speaking of hydrogen in a nuclear explosion, apart from its cryogenicity, density is not taken into account - and for example no one thinks of something like that of high-density rocket fuels, such as a zinc iodine pair, or a sulfur-zinc pair used in children's rocket modeling. This also applies to magnetohydrodynamic engines - the rocket engine offered by me and is a reworked model of the MHD engine - where the current is not taken from the rocket nozzle but rather is supplied to accelerate the combustion products, and not substances similar to chemical explosives are used - such as, for example, black potash powder, but applied a mixture of alkali metals and halogens - the presence of halogens in which metals are burning gives the maximum possible plasma conductivity - which, for example, is used in explosive magnetic g Frequency generators. In general, different types of working media can be used in such engines - a couple of calcium-fluorine types can be used in mixed rocket thrusters, a couple of lithium hydride / oxygen fluoride can be used (I will also mix with the geological fluids of the Earth"s interior), a couple of sodium chloride, hexafluoride sulfur-sodium, it is possible to use an old American engine on fuels lithium-fluorine-hydrogen (the main thing is that alkaline metal halides were in the combustion products, it is possible to take into account the phenomena of magic acids such as a mixture of hydrofluoric acid you and antimony pentafluoride or Lewis acid boron trifluoride and superionic crystals such as cesium-silver iodide - for example, such as fluorine / boron fuel with carburization of lithium-thallium alloy) It can be said that the proposed rocket engine of this combination of chemical rocket and nuclear engine operating on products burning identical to the products of a nuclear explosion and used by analogy in the MHC, and working on the opposite application of the effect of the MHD-engines. I propose to use as a rocket fuel based on fuel - potassium-sodium alloy used in reactor engineering as a coolant, and liquid bromine neutron capture index which is known and suitable for use in a nuclear engine, and with such a mechanism that rocket fuels will be only in the second cooling circuit, when in the first circuit the heat-diverting energy from the reactor will be a bismuth-lead alloy widely used in compact nuclear reactors. I note that in such engines, the future and in Gaussian cannons are used when throwing projectiles with plasma (ZrC) - for example, in leucosapphire liners, and when used in MHD engines on new armored vehicles, possibly used on other planets. I note that Mars could have the use of cryolavas of planets in thermal nuclear engines, with the extraction of thorium by automated flexible plants on other planets and the experimental colonization of other planets and artificial space stations in Deep Space. For a flight to Mars, a rocket could have a first stage engine on a pair of fuels - liquefied natural gas with oxygen, the second stage - a nuclear rocket engine on hydrogen (in the form of standardization of engines used), and the third stage - a proposed bromine / alkali metal nuclear engine - which because of the high density of bromine will be just beneficial for the third stage - looking like a pair of toluene / bromine pentafluoride. There is also a technological reserve in the so-called hydro-reactive fuels of torpedoes - so the use of a liquid potassium-sodium alloy is reasonable, and the production of solid particles in plasma conditions of several tens of thousands of degrees will be leveled by the fact that at these temperatures alone will be in an aggregate state.
  Moreover, there is the seventh problem in the science of nuclear explosion - nuclear chain reactions are known - where neutrons entering the uranium nucleus destroy it into nuclear fragments and several new neutrons are avalanche. There is also the eighth problem of the secrecy of this problem - causing the ninth problem. The eighth problem is that in the USSR due to the fact that technology was transferred to it from abroad, there was a special secrecy - and instead of studying radiochemistry and the main technology of fissionable materials, they studied quantum physics, which is essentially not related to the atomic bomb * (but necessary for recruiting by compromising the false scientific work of adherents of communist sects). The ninth problem is that quantum theory has become outdated long ago, especially with the discovery of the berezien who considers mathematical continuity additive-multiplicative and not ko multiplicatively (QUANT). The scheme of the proposed rocket engine: for this you need to take as a fuel pair of rocket fuel liquid potassium-sodium alloy / liquid bromine. To create a MHD-ion engine on sodium-potassium plasma instead of ion engines on xenon for storming the Deep Space in electronuclear engines, I think it should be taken as a fissionable matter of a fast neutron reactor - americium carbosilicide (possibly as a dispersion to silicon carbide). In order to reduce the size of the weight and dimensions of the reactor itself.
  The first bismuth-lead coolant circuit would give off heat to three secondary circuits at once - a helium of the electrical turbine of the DC machine to power the electromagnetic coil, and the circuits of a liquid potassium-sodium alloy - The heated potassium-sodium alloy would be sprayed with helium from the center of the nozzle, working also as an Explosive cathode Electromagnetic Emissions, grief already in vapors of liquid bromine (sprayed with helium) - supplied from the cooling channels of the nozzle. Just as importantly, the energy would be absorbed from the fuel by the plasma plasma. The combustion of potassium sodium bromides is accelerated in the MHD nozzle from the inductive coil located on top of the nozzle.
  The control of the proposed nuclear engine must be created on the basis of the reactor dynamics and the problems of positive feedback between the irradiated sensors and the reactor itself, which also to prevent resonant processes in the control electrical network requires maximum isolation of electrical networks and their redundancy. What I discovered by the example of a collider in comparison with a reactor during my work at JINR in summer practice in 2014, the whole matter is again in the problem that in the USSR physicists theorists did not recognize the designers of nuclear reactors - which 70 years later led to the ignorance of the fact that colliders obey reactor dynamics when managing them. The same problem in the USSR is the prevalence of theoretical physicists (two opposing Marxist sects) over electricians - which enabled Landau to counteract electrical engineers of Kharkov Physico-Technical University in the race for supremacy in nuclear destruction (lithium) (except if it was broken by neutrons in Germany), and such an underestimation of the electrical processes - which led to the fact that I would return back (see neutrons, lithium deuteride) - led to what became known about the "nuclear chain reactions," but no one thought about chain ionization reactions "- for example, how it works in an atomic bomb: the electrical energy stored in a battery of capacitors is transferred to kraytron and then transferred to the plasma of exploding wires - then the chain ionization goes to the substance of the preionizer (in different schemes of atomic bombs different - lithium deuteride, radium bromide beryllium, deuterium oxide - heavy water) - then goes with uranium fission, ionization is further uranium fission products - alkali metal and alkaline earth metal halides (which are strong magnetic field directed mi freezes the plasma (as opposed to, for example, a chaotic chemical fire with disordered ion motion)), and then, like an atomic bomb, the gases of the atmosphere are drawn into the process of chain ionization. I also note that heat transfer issues have an important role, for example, in the scheme of a nuclear bomb with lithium deuteride (erroneously called a "nuclear bomb" in everyday life) - a substance with special thermophysical properties is necessary to remove heat from a subcritical assembly having specified dimensions and therefore acceptable temperature. in order to maintain the optimal geometry of the assembly - in order to react to the ignition reactor and the flow of neutrons and gamma particles from it (more precisely, even neutrons excited by a magnetic field) (and this means s sodium potassium alloy, and as a rocket fuel and as a coolant very intelligently engineering) .What example describes another problem mentioned earlier secrecy - for such synchronization explosion and importance cybernetics, as well as in the work of accumulating the necessary synchrotron radionuclides. In the proposed engine management, I propose to carry out the bombardment with americium deuterons, and at the end to suppress the reactor with boron carbide rods. Deliberate mistakes, including in the USSR, led to this deplorable situation, which is picked up from the point of view of pedagogy without being subjected to research critical thinking, which should be noted and continues today in the pedagogical theory of quarks (from which science becomes non-scientific, including the idea of moving in space, although these two terms are only the optimality of splitting the task and not some kind of "hole" or "bag"), which won, for example, the Regge pole theory - the theory of high-energy accelerator physics ((more For example, for example, not with a pestle and a laboratory mortar, but enrichment of polonium with uranium ore is possible only at a mining and processing plant - about Marie Curie, which may have cast a shadow of practical knowledge into the shadow and downgraded it before "pure science" - "as an educational activity" )). I believe that Criticism as a science (with its methodology, semantics and notation) must be distinguished from some abnormal science phenomenon - at least in the school subject, as it was studied earlier by the Alexandrian Museyon in Antiquity, the Theory of Universals of Thomas Aquinas in the Middle Ages and associated with it 1980 -years theory of incorrectly assigned tasks. The betrayed engine actually works on a new rethinking of the problems of physics with a critique of intentional and natural errors. That is, the proposed solution is overdue for the further push of Progress.
  In the course of my research, I discovered that music in preschool education laid the foundation for the semantics of musical notation - after all, the first German reactors were clearly influenced by solfege and the Vienna Opera, and the discovery of uranium was due to religious paintings and the paint factory in Yohimstalla, for example, Mr. Kazinsky, which speaks about the way of harmonizing inspiring creative work of a scientist of exciting impressions, over the harsh methods of creating non-performing research teams, often absorbing their scientists nicknames - like Jupiter devours its Firstborn.
  From the theory of music, it can be said that the electric motor - in this compositional general scheme of the composite drawing - is that dissonance (after all, xenon engines are weak), which combines the melody of a nuclear rocket engine with the melody of a chemical liquid rocket engine.
  Innovative high powerful nuclear electric liquid chemical rocket engine on a pair of fuels liquid bromine, liquid potassium-sodium alloy for a flight to Mars, and the problems of physics and the history of science, wich did not allow to solve the problem of creating such an engine earlier.I called such an engine a United rocket engine, and its principle of operation is also suitable for electric motor of armored vehicles, and as gasodynamic cannon engines for gun - since this is a reverse construct regarding the MHD generator, and in fact such an engine is a reactive MHD stator on salt of alkali/metall halogenide- that mimeticic the highly conductive products of a nuclear explosion, which can not give the products of ordinary fuel combustion and ordinary chemical explosion.I also see how a scalable construction scheme - the old American three propellant on fuels - fluorine / hydrogen/ lithium - as the scheme with the highest specific impulse worked out on the stand - which can reassure skeptics who believe in 17th-century thermodynamics and the same in the early stages of this scheme anachronism as the concept of flame -- relative to the doctrine of the alleged necessity of lightweight exhaust gases following the example of a chemical explosion -- instead of the electrical conductivity doctrine and the true mechanisms of a nuclear explosion - such as a chain Ionization of uranium fission products, which do not consider the nozzle flame - not in the concept of an accelerated ion beam with non-Brownian chaotic motion - on the contrary, the direction of the release of ions and electrons of an amperage as a chemical element that with voltage photons give a radiological similarity to a hydrated electron departing from a nozzle. This is the same error of thinking of the designers of electric rocket engines, who are chasing the photons of the voltage field tension The alternating current and not chasing the particles by electrons of the direct current amperage giving on each molecule one electron.From here follow the main problems - purely from the theory of incorrectly posed problems - and theological exegesis and the theory of Universals of Thomas Aquinas and of use of the binder dissonance(electricity) in the connection of the two compositions(a nuclear reactor and a liquid rocket) in art history as the basis of the invention theory -- which are solved by searching for answers in other fields of knowledge - we have this is a combination with other types of rocket engines.
  Conventionally, the article can be distinguished in the logical consistency of the following parts: Introduction, the design of the engine, Mistakes in the history of Science, the history of errors in the theory of science, the search path in inventive creativity, Complex offers for flight to Mars.
  Creating an engine for the last stage of a rocket for a flight to Mars is possible only by combining all the available types of rocket engines - electrical, chemical and nuclear - in one rocket engine.. It is necessary to fuel the fuel based primarily on reactor properties and to maximize the benefits more fully apply the imitation of the processes of a nuclear explosion - and this means that the products of combustion of rocket fuel must imitate the products of a nuclear explosion (since a nuclear explosion is stronger than chemical and a nuclear explosion products should accelerate a rocket more strongly than a chemical explosion product). In a nuclear explosion, halides of alkali and alkaline earth metals are formed due to the fission of uranium (whose electrical conductivity makes the magnetic field of a nuclear explosion frozen), and when an ordinary chemical explosive is exploded, gases (with the difference that the plasma of a chemical explosion is much colder and most important does not have an orderly direction of ion acceleration by strong magnetic fields - instead of this the Brownian oscillation of molecules ul and excitement in optical spectra - since low magnetic intensity of the field and cold plasma do not give the processes that exist in an atomic bomb). From here follow the main problems - purely from the theory of incorrectly posed problems - which are solved by searching for answers in other fields of knowledge - we have this is a combination with other types of rocket engines. The first is the incorrectness of reducing the flame temperature to the plasma temperature - for example, the plasma observed in accelerators: since the plasma description concept does not take into account the fact that in the absence of strong magnetic fields there is no clearly defined non-statistical trajectory of accelerating ions. The second problem is that, because of secrecy, there is confusion in the terminology relating to nuclear weapons. The incorrect term "thermonuclear bomb" gives confusion and misunderstanding that lithium deuteride deuterons divide uranium in the middle of the explosion process, since the thermalized neutrons are already captured by uranium more weakly - which is how the impossibility of starting tokamaks to start is because the launch into the working one deuterium chamber, and it is necessary to inject deuterium fluoride with uranium hexafluoride of natural isotopy - this means that there cannot be a rocket engine at a thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei, since the very idea of a tokamak without fission of uranium by deuterons is vicious, and the maximum that it is possible is a gas-phase nuclear propellant engine with fission of uranium by neutrons - but then without tearing the electrical component of a nuclear explosion with the help of accelerating and focusing the magnetic lens, we will not get the necessary ordering of the directed motion of the ions flying out of the Lavalle nozzle, but instead there will again be chaotic brownons similar to ordinary combustion The electrical phenomena that we observe in modern liquid chemical rockets mean that the proposed combined rocket engine is a limiting case of the progress of mankind, which can also be confirmed by the fact that progress is essentially the search for ways to increase the temperature in the flame - as can be seen from heat treatment of food, pottery and metallurgy - and this means that through progress in rocket science there will be an increase in the temperature of the torch of a liquid rocket due to current, while taking the required sample not the physics of ordinary flame - the physics of the burning of a nuclear explosion flame - where the salts of uranium fission, characterized by a particularly high degree of electrical conductivity, play a key role.
  That is why a chemical explosion is weaker than a nuclear explosion, and a flame burning from ordinary fuel has a lower temperature than a flame in a plasmatron.
  That is why the conductivity of salts similar to the products of a nuclear explosion in the proposed rocket engine will be more important than their atomic weight, since they solve the problem of not only providing each molecule with an electron, like an analogue of a chemical substance, but also remove the restrictions on particle acceleration imposed by the degree of electro-specificity, which, of course, is therefore unattainable for a chemical non-nuclear flame - that is why electric rocket engines can only be used on small experimental satellites, although of course it doesn"t bother anyone to accelerate iodine and cesium simultaneously in an ionic Hall truster - it"s just again a methodological problem and the lack of knowledge of the chemical language and the basis of chemical knowledge among physicists - which is essentially a problem of interdisciplinarity.
  The fourth problem is the erroneous use of hydrogen in nuclear rocket engines - the Soviet physicists even suggested adding metal uranium there because they had poor knowledge of chemistry, and yet there is a problem in the gas extensibility formula - where they forget that lightweight hydrogen is a cryogenic liquid heating which needs to spend tremendous energy. The fifth problem is the misunderstanding of what a Volt is and what Amp is in electrical engineering - if you present a wire in scaled size as an LHC CERN collider, then you will see between the atoms of the crystal lattice, where the Volt unit will be the accelerating magnetic field force, and the Ampere will be the number of accelerated electrons. And this means in order to impose a magnetic field current on a rocket nozzle with a pair of rocket fuel coming onto it, it is necessary to have one electron or a photon (magnetic fields) on each molecule, which means that the current can only be constant - as the product Since the magnetic field (voltage) on the number of electrons in a conductor (amperage) - there is a constant value determined by the resistance and electrical conductivity of the conductor, then it is more important for us to have many electrons per molecule leaving the nozzle. Also, the sixth problem still needs to be identified - not understanding by modern physics of the mistakes of the past - incorrectly linguistically borrowing the words of the scientific language of radiology in the language of nuclear physics. We know three types of basic radiation - alpha, beta and gamma, and so they confuse the symbol of gamma radiation with the symbol of photons - because I think a photon is a neutral electron, which gives a triad of symmetry together with an electron and a positron - this explains why we give the light bulb the current and light from it goes, or vice versa we shine into the photocell and from it current flows (like neutrino oscillations).
  Electrical resistance is the fulfillment of the law of electronic oscillations similar to neutrino oscillations, when the transition from a photon as a neutral electron to a positive electron is constant, and it cannot be increased upward - for example, making the current in the conductor simultaneously high-voltage and high-ampere - because the oscillation value itself constant and increasing its photonic component, we seem to first perceive the majority in the electronic component - such a similarity of a communicating vessel, as well as making contrariwise. With the analog of a photon - pi meson, we know that a neutral pion decays into a negative pion and a positive pion. But for some reason we do not classify the photon as a neutral electron, using the theory of symmetry and hierarchical generation of particles, although the photon is obtained by combining a positive electron with a negative positron Instead, many false doctrines are being invented to justify an incorrect quantum theory. The goal of the cutter is to recruit Marxist sects - for example, the existence of quantization in the microworld proving It comes with a pion beam when a pion beam passing through the concrete shield hits the target and it is believed that the pion emitted by the accelerator is supposed to fall, and not its distant descendant from the shower of particles arising from the atomic nuclei of the concrete protective wall - which is methodologically similar to the slander the dereneregical theory of ether - as a clear idea that there is some matter between the eye and the observer - later called cosmic vacuum and stardust.
  Instead, they have now gone from the experience of Michelson and Morley - in fact, companies from a military officer and director of the military observatory who are not scientists - who in fact proved not scientific doctrines, but a whole set of ideological tools like socialist world economics and Darwinism - after a century from which they came to observatory like LIGO with a laser measurement of the interferometric base, which means if, like a meter"s lie, stretch to a lie the size of interplanetary distances. I also consider it important to relate to what time I and space - in order to cut off false claims about the possibility of creating some rocket engines that can magically move in these anthropocentric mathematical abstractions. Time and Area - there is just the optimal partition of expance into segments of the required size, which determine the stability of the solution to the problem. For example, the time of an atomic explosion does not measured in Devonian or Triassic, and geological eras are not measured in picoseconds. For example, the proportional-integral-differential controller - in the form of a regulating microprocessor controller, it controls the heating of the boiler with water - the boiling temperature is divided into a certain number of segments, and then the same parts of fuel and air are supplied to the burner, and so the flow of combustible gas and air increases linearly with a multiple linear rise in temperature until until an exponential jump occurs at a partitive fractional supply of combustible gas and air - and after that the regulator divides the unit amount of supply of fuel and oxidizer by the same amount of hour the temperature into which he had previously divided the entire heating range, and also goes proportionally to the next jump in temperature from the fractional fractions of the initial dimension of the supply of fuel and oxidizer.
  Using human psychology as an example, we can say that when a machine knocks a person down, it seems to him that time slows down because the nervous system gates more strongly the frequency of nerve impulses to a greater number of segments of awareness - also as with the example of a heated water boiler, because a person solves the problem in smaller segments - called time and space - to solve the problem of avoiding a collision with a machine, which in essence is the solution of a third derivative of a function - often called an instant impact, and the corresponding In fact, the solution of the second derivative - acceleration or the first derivative - of the distance covered by the path will require a person to use different levels of optimality to divide the problem for its sustainable solution. Therefore, there can be no other rocket engine faster than that offered even from hypothetical based on various kinds of magic models, such as all sorts of dark energy and wormholes that are the same good old mythologemes of Marxist sects.
  In fact, the entire History of Science is the accumulating pile-up of errors that prevents you from flying to Mars - for example, from here they try to accelerate xenon, which is less electrically conductive than alkaline halides of a nuclear explosion (the same cesium iodide). To that add the release of xenon in an electric rocket engine is similar to the simple release of gas from a children's ball, and is not similar to the products of combustion of rocket fuels in an expanding magnetic field (by the way, the terms specific impulse and jet forcein rocket production do not contain everyone is correct). Again, speaking of hydrogen in a nuclear explosion, apart from its cryogenicity, density is not taken into account - and for example no one thinks of something like that of high-density rocket fuels, such as a zinc iodine pair, or a sulfur-zinc pair used in children's rocket modeling. This also applies to magnetohydrodynamic engines - the rocket engine offered by me and is a reworked model of the MHD engine - where the current is not taken from the rocket nozzle but rather is supplied to accelerate the combustion products, and not substances similar to chemical explosives are used - such as, for example, black potash powder, but applied a mixture of alkali metals and halogens - the presence of halogens in which metals are burning gives the maximum possible plasma conductivity - which, for example, is used in explosively pumped flux compression generator (EPFCG). In general, different types of working media can be used in such engines - a couple of calcium-fluorine types can be used in mixed rocket thrusters, a couple of lithium hydride / oxygen fluoride can be used (I will also mix with the geological fluids of the Earth"s interior), a couple of sodium chloride, hexafluoride sulfur-sodium, it is possible to use an old American engine on tripropellant fuels lithium-fluorine-hydrogen (the main thing is that alkaline metal halides were in the combustion products, it is possible to take into account the phenomena of magic acids such as a mixture of hydrofluoric acid you and antimony pentafluoride or Lewis acid boron trifluoride and superionic crystals such as cesium-silver iodide - for example, such as fluorine / boron fuel with carburization of lithium-thallium alloy) It can be said that the proposed rocket engine of this combination of chemical rocket and nuclear engine operating on products burning identical to the products of a nuclear explosion and used by analogy in the magnetohydrodynamic generator, and working on the opposite application of the effect of the MHD-engines. I propose to use as a rocket fuel based on fuel - potassium-sodium alloy used in reactor engineering as a coolant, and liquid bromine neutron capture index which is known and suitable for use in a nuclear engine, and with such a mechanism that rocket fuels will be only in the second cooling circuit, when in the first circuit the heat-diverting energy from the reactor will be a bismuth-lead alloy widely used in compact nuclear reactors. I note that in such engines, the future and in Gaussian cannons are used when throwing projectiles with plasma (ZrC) - for example, in leucosapphire liners, and when used in MHD engines on new armored vehicles, possibly used on other planets. I note that Mars could have the use of cryolavas of planets in thermal nuclear engines, with the extraction of thorium by automated flexible plants on other planets and the experimental colonization of other planets and artificial space stations in Deep Space. For a flight to Mars, a rocket could have a first stage engine on a pair of fuels - liquefied natural gas with oxygen, the second stage - a nuclear rocket engine on hydrogen (in the form of standardization of engines used), and the third stage - a proposed bromine / alkali metal nuclear engine - which because of the high density of bromine will be just beneficial for the third stage - looking like a pair of toluene / bromine pentafluoride. There is also a technological reserve in the so-called hydro-reactive fuels of torpedoes - so the use of a liquid potassium-sodium alloy is reasonable, and the production of solid particles in plasma conditions of several tens of thousands of degrees will be leveled by the fact that at these temperatures alone will be in an aggregate state.
  Moreover, there is the seventh problem in the science of nuclear explosion - nuclear chain reactions are known - where neutrons entering the uranium nucleus destroy it into nuclear fragments and several new neutrons are avalanche. There is also the eighth problem of the secrecy of this problem - causing the ninth problem. The eighth problem is that in the USSR due to the fact that technology was transferred to it from abroad, there was a special secrecy - and instead of studying radiochemistry and the main technology of fissionable materials, they studied quantum physics, which is essentially not related to the atomic bomb * (but necessary for recruiting by compromising the false scientific work of adherents of communist sects). The ninth problem is that quantum theory has become outdated long ago, especially with the discovery of the berezenian who considers mathematical continuity additive-multiplicative and not ko multiplicatively (quant). The scheme of the proposed rocket engine: for this you need to take as a fuel pair of rocket fuel liquid potassium-sodium alloy / liquid bromine. To create a MHD-ion engine on sodium-potassium plasma instead of ion engines on xenon for storming the Deep Space in electronuclear engines, I think it should be taken as a fissionable matter of a fast neutron reactor - americium carbosilicide (possibly as a dispersion to silicon carbide). In order to reduce the size of the weight and dimensions of the reactor itself.  []
   Painting 1. The Notation systems and schematic sketch of rocket engine. Neutron/deuteron generator -1. Deuterium gas tank-2. Nuclear reactor on americium carbosilicide-3.Reservoir of bismuth-lead primary coolant in first cooling reactor loop-4.Fuel tank -a liquid potassium/sodium alloy - 5.Fuel tank - a liquid bromine -6. The DC-machine with a helium turbine - 7.The Laval nozzle (porous ceramic BN/LaB6) -8.Plasma of potassium/sodium -bromide-9. Electrons of plasma and electron emission of potassium-sodium alloy in bromine
  The first bismuth-lead coolant circuit would give off heat to three secondary circuits at once - a helium of the electrical turbine of the DC machine to power the electromagnetic coil, and the circuits of a liquid potassium-sodium alloy - The heated potassium-sodium alloy would be sprayed with helium from the center of the nozzle, working also as an explosive electromagnetic emissions cathode, grief already in vapors of liquid bromine (sprayed with helium) - supplied from the cooling channels of the porous ceramic nozzle.
  Just as importantly, the energy would be absorbed from the fuel by the plasma. The combustion of potassium sodium bromides is accelerated in the MHD nozzle from the inductive coil located on top of the nozzle.
  Plasma burning of potassium-sodium bromides is accelerated in the MHD nozzle from the inductive coil located on top of the nozzle.
  Sodium-potassium bromide plasma will be activated by neutrons of the neutron fields of the fuel heating and heat extraction systems from the reactor, through sodium to its radioactive isotopes, and bromine will be activated to excited isomers of the bromine nucleus, which, in addition to induced plasma radioactivity, will give even more active interaction in the nozzle during combustion fuel due to the so-called "hot" atoms in it.
  The control of the proposed nuclear engine must be created on the basis of the reactor dynamics and the problems of positive feedback between the irradiated sensors and the reactor itself, which also to prevent resonant processes in the control electrical network requires maximum isolation of electrical networks and their redundancy. What I discovered by the example of a collider in comparison with a reactor during my work at JINR in summer practice in 2014, the whole matter is again in the problem that in the USSR physicists theorists did not recognize the designers of nuclear reactors - which 70 years later led to the ignorance of the fact that colliders obey reactor dynamics when managing them. The same problem in the USSR is the prevalence of theoretical physicists (two opposing Marxist sects) over electricians - which enabled Landau to counteract electrical engineers of Kharkov Physico-Technical University in the race for supremacy in nuclear destruction (lithium) (except if it was broken by neutrons in Germany), and such an underestimation of the electrical processes - which led to the fact that I would return back (see neutrons, lithium deuteride) - led to what became known about the "nuclear chain reactions," but no one thought about chain ionization reactions "- for example, how it works in an atomic bomb: the electrical energy stored in a battery of capacitors is transferred to kraytron and then transferred to the plasma of exploding wires - then the chain ionization goes to the substance of the preionizer (in different schemes of atomic bombs different - lithium deuteride, radium bromide beryllium, deuterium oxide - heavy water) - then goes with uranium fission, ionization is further uranium fission products - alkali metal and alkaline earth metal halides (which are strong magnetic field directed mi freezes the plasma (as opposed to, for example, a chaotic chemical fire with disordered ion motion)), and then, like an atomic bomb, the gases of the atmosphere are drawn into the process of chain ionization. I also note that heat transfer issues have an important role, for example, in the scheme of a nuclear bomb with lithium deuteride (erroneously called a "nuclear bomb" in everyday life) - a substance with special thermophysical properties is necessary to remove heat from a subcritical assembly having specified dimensions and therefore acceptable temperature. in order to maintain the optimal geometry of the assembly - in order to react to the ignition reactor and the flow of neutrons and gamma particles from it (more precisely, even neutrons excited by a magnetic field) (and this means s sodium potassium alloy, and as a rocket fuel and as a coolant very intelligently engineering) .What example describes another problem mentioned earlier secrecy - for such synchronization explosion and importance cybernetics, as well as in the work of accumulating the necessary in synchrotron radionuclides.
  In the proposed engine management, I propose to carry out the bombardment with americium deuterons, and at the end to suppress the reactor with boron carbide rods. Deliberate mistakes, including in the USSR, led to this deplorable situation, which is picked up from the point of view of pedagogy without being subjected to research critical thinking, which should be noted and continues today in the pedagogical theory of quarks (from which science becomes non-scientific, including the idea of moving in space, although these two terms are only the optimality of splitting the task and not some kind of "hole" or "bag"), which won, for example, the Regge pole theory - the theory of high-energy accelerator physics ((more for example, for example, not with a pestle and a laboratory mortar, but enrichment of polonium with uranium ore is possible only at a mining and processing plant - about Marie Curie, which may have cast a shadow of practical knowledge into the shadow and downgraded it before "pure science" - "as an educational activity" )). I believe that Criticism as a science (with its methodology, semantics and notation) must be distinguished from some abnormal science phenomenon - at least in the school subject, as it was studied earlier by the Alexandrian Museyon in Antiquity, the Theory of Universals of Thomas Aquinas in the Middle Ages and associated with it 1980 -years theory of incorrectly assigned tasks. The betrayed engine actually works on a new rethinking of the problems of physics with a critique of intentional and natural errors. That is, the proposed solution is overdue for the further push of Progress.
  It is also important to understand the segments of uranium contracting in a nuclear bomb that are actually a shock cumulative nucleus, gathering in the compact sphere of the supercritical mass of uranium before that with the fission process started in it as in a subcritical assembly - it must be understood precisely as a cathode, that is, focused cumulative jets of a shock nucleus from uranium are collected in a pseudo-spherical cathode - for example, gallium in a plutonium alloy with its superplasticity only helps this, and it turns out that this uranium or plutonium cathode, in addition to the emission of electrons by emission from the surface of the nucleus of a cumulative shock segment then forms a new type of electrical emission - the electrical emission of fissile nuclear material, where the plutonium sphere of the cathode and the anode are the external medium. This is exactly the case when nuclear energy is directly converted into electrical energy, apparently again connected with oscillation between the photon as a neutral electron and a positive electron. I also note that the ball planetary model of the nucleus is a pedagogical theory - that is, It teaches the initial stages in the subject but does not explain the structure of the surrounding world, since the ball model is used in school physics, for example, to calculate the volume of a hypothetical unknown body, as well as in the pseudo-scientific model of quarks, which were mixed with the ancient Greek mythology of the hierarchy of gods as poetry and colorfulness like the boxes of art history -- which of course is not Regge"s pole theory from high-energy physics.
  A more logical not two-dimensional model of balls of planetary theory, but an axial model of the nucleus as a three-dimensional object, moreover, it is logical that this atomic string consists of the leading deuteron head as a small subunit and the tube itself as a large subunit and the valence and sea pi-mesons and muons connecting them - from this, then it becomes clear that fission of uranium by a deuteron as the formation of a small subunit from the other end or by neutron fission as an increase in a small subunit to a triton - the tritium nucleus, which again excludes the model"s head the fusion of two deuterons as the mechanism of an allegedly thermonuclear explosion in a thermonuclear bomb - because in fact there is fission of uranium by deuterons - since thermal neutrons are not capable of this, and such a complex phenomenon of a nuclear explosion is primarily of an electrical nature, because it"s just interacting an oscillation similar to a neutrino takes place with the nucleus - when a neutral electron is a positive electron, and when temperatures are close to absolute zero, we see of conductivity, the displacement of photons of a magnetic field as a transition in an absolutely stable nucleus to a declination towards the positive electronic component of the photon-electron quasiparticle oscillations, whereas when decaying a nucleus, for example from uranium fission, we see vice versa the generation of photons with an inclination to the neutral electronic component of the oscillations in the form of gamma-ray photons and the strongest electromagnetic fields of the frozen-in field of a nuclear explosion.
  Which just means that after the primary impulse from the cathode of the subcritical assembly, the electric current launched into this nuclear supertransformer is already generated by a non-decaying uranium nucleus that produces a neutral component of the electron"s oscillations - that is, a photon, and the electrons produce new already stable alkaline and alkaline nuclei -ground metals as well as halogens with noble gases as products of a nuclear explosion - that is, we have a certain gap in the generation of electrons from a nuclear explosion, which apparently almost eliminated It is related by the relative extension of this process and not by its simultaneity, but rather by the chain process of an increase in the nuclear fission reaction and the chain ionization reaction - like the two sides of the same process, considered separately here for their identification - (which generally indicates the intersection of different types of quasiparticles with by strings and solves positively the question of the electron in the nucleus as a penetrating oscillating quasiparticle because otherwise it would be impossible to talk about gamma photons penetrating into the nucleus and leaving it it is possible for the sword that it is connected with the oscillation of the quasiparticle gamma photon-neutral pion that can be observed when the neutral pion decays into two gamma photons (again, the primitive quantum term is decay rather than oscillation of a quasiparticle pair - even in the cluster of the nucleus)), and such an increase in ionization occurs when one atom uranium is shared and others are still being shared - it solves the problem of how to combine high amperage and high voltage in one mass, which explains the destructive consequences that can be observed after a nuclear explosion.
   If the nuclei were not extended as in the axial model, then they could not have in the form of highly charged ions the energy that determines the wavelength of the ion, just like a photon if it had no mass - not like the fact that it forms this mass just by electromagnetic interaction - but as the presence of a content inside it that is different from empty space, then without mass, it would be impossible to say that a photon has a certain energy that determines its wavelength, and accordingly it would not have velocity as the reciprocal of The abstractions of the speed of light as a pedagogical simplification grow precisely from here - because, as we know, it is easier to see a red light in the night than a blue one and it"s even harder to break gamma radiation in the atmosphere - because the authors of quantum theory spoke intentionally about the movement of light in a vacuum - because in this way it is possible to exclude the interaction of the nucleus of an atom with an oscillating pair of a positive electron-neutral electron - and then the theory of the World Ether as a paradigm of the surrounding world being filled with matter everywhere if denied, it will enable Marxist sects to fill this World with their idealistic models of primitivism in science, that there is Dadaism and Cubism in painting. To believe that light from a star passing through a myriad of atomic nuclei does not interact with them with the same photon-electron oscillations is the same what to believe that a beam of pi mesons passing through a concrete wall will not have a pion from showers of collisions with atomic nuclei and will not be a descendant, but the same pion.
   Speaking about vacuum, let"s not forget the question - what is vacuum. Chlorine vacuum - is a vacuum as a state of a chemical substance in which the pressure is less than atmospheric pressure - further from this magic we have now come to the Marxists of black energy and black matter, simply not realizing that the lamination of light by gas The dusty atmosphere of the planets is determined by the gravitational action of the planet on the surrounding gases and dust particles as the dusty plasma of its atomic sphere, as a set of showers of cosmic ray particles with stellar dust and the accumulation of gases and organic matter. But vacuum as a physical concept is simply that the atoms of a particular element are located in a closed volume at a shorter distance than the particles of the atomosphere surrounding this volume outside.
   Also, cryogenic electron emission from the surface of a cooled electron body confirms, on the other hand, than the effect of extrusion of photons of a magnetic field from a superconductor.
  All this also means that there cannot be a rocket engine at a thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen isotope nuclei - talking about choosing a dock and an engine for flying to Deep Space, since the very idea of a tokamak without uranium fission by deuterons is vicious, and the maximum is possible that a gas-phase nuclear rocket engine with fission of uranium by neutrons on uranium hexafluoride - but then without the prevalence of the electric component of a nuclear explosion with the help of an accelerating and focusing magnetic lens, we will not get the necessary ordering of directed motion ion ions emanating from the Lavalle nozzle, and instead there will again be chaotic Brownian electrical phenomena similar to ordinary combustion - which we observe in modern liquid chemical missiles. The proposed combined rocket engine is a limiting case of the progress of Humanity, which can also be confirmed by the fact that progress is essentially the search for ways to increase the temperature in the flame - as can be seen from the heat treatment of food, pottery and metallurgy - and this means that through progress in rocket science there will be an increase in the torch temperature of a liquid rocket due to current, while taking as a sample the physics of conventional flame - the physics of burning a nuclear explosion flame - not where the uranium fission salts are characterized by a particularly high degree of electrical conductivity.
   That is why the conductivity of salts similar to the products of a nuclear explosion in the proposed rocket engine will be more important than their atomic weight, since they solve the problem of not only providing each molecule with an electron, like an analogue of a chemical substance, but also remove the restrictions on particle acceleration imposed by the degree of electro-specificity, which, of course, is therefore unattainable for a chemical non-nuclear flame - that is why electric rocket engines can only be used on small experimental satellites, although of course it doesn"t bother anyone to accelerate iodine and cesium simultaneously in an electric ion thruster engine - it"s just again a methodological problem and the lack of knowledge of the chemical language and the basis of chemical knowledge among physicists - which is essentially a problem of interdisciplinarity.
  We can now consider two phenomena - the so-called crystalline beams in high-energy physics and in accelerator technology - when a beam of multiply charged ions is cooled by an electron beam, as well as a trap device for individual atoms created by the intersection of laser beams, or as similar and collective as the two previously listed physical effect - stripping of the ion beam on the foil, which is also vice versa to obtain already synchrotron radiation is carried out by a laser beam. If the ion beam is cooled imagine - thus, that the electron beam cools the ion beam by standardization of the degree of vibrational modes of the nucleus, and the laser photon beam in the target standardizes the rotational modes of excitation of the nucleus. From this, we can make the interaction of the nucleus to change the oscillations of a pair of neutral electron-positive electrons by the following mechanism - vibrational spectra from the nucleus are transferred to the head of the small subunit - the electron, and rotational spectra are transmitted to the tail of the larger subunit - the photon. And since the nucleus e, as we know, there are also rotational modes; vibrational modes also depend on the degree of excitation of the nucleus of the nuclear isomer and the unexcited nucleus - at low energies, there will be excitation rotational modes, and at high degrees of excitation, they will be predominantly vibrational modes, which was analogous to the method for photon generation upon excitation nuclei and vice versa in electron generation during atom cooling, for example, with a phenomenon such as cryogenic electron emission and vice versa, electron emission from a plutonium sphere compressed by an explosion of a nuclear bomb.
   This means that the nucleus, having two different types of excitations - vibrational and rotational - transfers them to the action of the atom and the nucleus - it transfers to the pair an oscillating photon-electron, so that it oscillates the photon tail and rotates the electron head of this quasi-particle formation, which rather simply described through Feynman diagrams - not through materialism but through the creation of complex mathematical abstractions, in which form replaces the essence as the obvious truth is replaced by the set of "clear" evidence. This means that the oscillations of a photon-electron pair are influenced by their excitation spectra - which in essence are the same oscillations only quantitative oscillations rather than qualitative oscillations, atom and nucleus oscillations such as neutronization processes and quasiparticles, neutron-nucleon isobar or cluster effects emission from, for example, a uranium nucleus, an oscillation of a carbon nucleus is not an oscillation of an elementary particle such as a neutrino.
  You can imagine a quasiparticle of a photon-electronic bisoliton as if a pencil was inserted into two tubes and it is drawn more strongly into one tube or the other. Moreover, vibrational excitations act on the inner rod and exciting excitation spectra act on the outer two tubes. from the core device where the inner-ball is short and is located on the leading head that connects two tubes inserted one into the other, and therefore we can talk not about elementary particles and ions, but we can talk about particles r ев like oscillations between odianka heads - as in elementary chats, and vice versa as in head-to-tail cluster oscillations. Then it"s immediately clear why a photon with positrons gives a neutral pion - because they combine into such a similarity of three tubes and two rods and also decay into two gamma photons.
  And during the transfer of predominantly vibrational excitations from the nucleus to the photon-electron pair, the oscillations of the photon part increase, so that more energy is transferred for oscillation, and with a more vibrational spectrum of the nucleus, the rotational mode of the predominantly electron head part in this quasi-particle consisting of the oscillating photon-electron pair is transmitted . Therefore, the electrostatic field generated from the direct current source is different from the source of the alternating current electromagnetic field, because in fact with a linguistic the name "current" or "electron" leads two different opposite quasi-particles through the conductors - either an electronic oscillator of a pair of neutral electro-positive electrons, as in an electrostatic field - which can also be formed in those dielectrics called electrets - which do not have a Brillouin zone as in metals -and a quasiparticle is characterized by an enlarged head of the electron, and a set of, photon oscillators, pairs of a neutral electron-positive electron as in an electromagnetic field, for example, a metal monitors are characterized by an increased photon tail, which theorists call collectively call an electromagnetic field.
   Such a structure in the form of a photon-electron quasiparticle soliton is similar to a neutron, which is also apparently more optimal to describe as a neutron-nucleon isobar quasiparticle, I note that the practical combination of a neutron beam with an electron beam can be interesting, because for example electrets with an electrostatic field of electrons in it also hydrated electron in ice is similar to ultracold vacuum neutrons in a protective container with a fluorocarbon coating of the container walls. Most likely this is because it can be said that a neutron is a neutral proton - based not only on the hierarchy of particles - what is an antiproton and proton, and therefore there is a neutral proton called a neutron, but because it"s just a neutral proton and a positive proton that form a quasiparticle deuteron, similar to an oscillating pair consisting of a neutral electron and a positive then from the deuteron quasiparticle because it too will soliton will stretch the tail from the pi-meson, which can also grow to the mu-meson of the nuclear interaction forces.
  The deuteron is a great example of a bisoliton when there is a proton on one side of the neutron on the other side and the muon mesons connect them, and when another system from bisoliton is added to the system, the electron-photon turns out that the dumbbell-shaped deuteron passes into another oscillation dimension from the dumbbell-like shape the form with the leading head and tube - like all chemical elements, and I think it"s correct to represent the proton as the inner tube and the neutron and p meson with the electron and photon as the outer tube go over to the leader The system"s head is a very good example of a theoretical representation of a change no longer of the type of oscillations - vibrational or rotational, but a change when new quasiparticles are added - to obtain other forms of oscillations instead of a system of equal rotating elements, I will call the dumbbell-like type of oscillations - to obtain oscillations with a leading head and tail, and rotational vibrations are carried by the head part, while the vibrational parts excite tubes inserted into each other - this is different elementary particles of the type of ion from a chemical substance such as an atom. And mesons of nuclear forces, for example, can also be shared with other particles for responsibility in the operation of this mechanism - calling them sea mesons or valence mesons connecting the head and tube, then our photons will also be divided into valence marine oscillating with valency electrons and photons are coupled by means of oscillations with the remaining electrons of the atomic shell.
   But the answer is simple - the sectarians of the sect of scientific Marxism did not apply hierarchy and unification in the name of the particles, and therefore applied the school"s theory of balls - where all the particles do not have a three-dimensional scale - their neutron as a positive proton is not a soliton, nor is it is a photon-electron pair, a soliton. And the knocking out of an electron by a photon is not due to oscillation - what is in the K-capture or in the re-capture, as well as the formation on the collider when protons are irradiated with a target from copper - the formation of tiprotons were not explained by proton-antiproton oscillations, but again they were explained by the theory of abstraction of virtual particles, which was quite detached from material reality, the same as the units were not obtained by adding half of the oscillating particles and the unit of the particle was obtained by adding the unit of the real particle and the zero of the virtual particle. But virtual particles are just virtuality, convenient for searching and not like a dogma reflecting the actual reality!
   This means that current particles - such as direct current quasiparticles - electronic oscillators, and alternating current quasiparticles - photon oscillators are actually different from each other, and therefore errors in the construction of rocket engines because they use alternating current making the same error as the pseudo-scientist had adjusted Landau in Soviet science did not allow working on high-current transformers of the German company Koсh and Shtretzl of Beria Nazi-Soviet frends socialist scientists company at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, and redirected his well-known Landau falsehood slander pamphlet of work since then smashed by a proton with a lithium core in the direction of feeding an incorrectly alternating current from a Tesla transformer of a linear particle accelerator. From myself I would say that it would be interesting to supply a magnetron with direct current to the cathode and alternating current to the anode of the magnetic lens to cross the electrostatic and electromagnet field, performing the so-called short-circuit network for high and feeding the magnetic part of the anode from a high-voltage trifillary cable - that is, picking up even specifically electrical conductors, and even selecting various transformers - a high-voltage transformer for powering the anode and high-current transformer for supplying the cathode. Perhaps it makes sense to use this approach in the proposed rocket, as I understand it was done in the VASIMR project.
  However, the message of this article and my combined rocket engine suggests the opposite, that if the plasma is produced by combustion, then a high-frequency modan is needed to save the current of the nuclear reactor instead of spending on heating by doing this with self-ignition of the oxidizer and combustible rocket fuel, and it remains only to feed direct current to the accelerating magnetic coil to direct the direction of the accelerated ions, and again the properties of the optical plasma of halide salts will differ from the properties of the hydrocarbon-combustion plasma - which, on the other hand, will indicate that the component of the optical photon modes of the quasiparticle quasiparticle in an alkali halide plasma is detrimental to the contrary to the enhanced conduction properties of oscillating quasiparticles with an offset in the electron"s rotational mode, which determines the direction of motion of the particle, in contrast to in the reverse version of hydrocarbon fuel there will be a photon component of the oscillating quasiparticles and affecting the chaotic disorder of the acceleration of the fuel combustion products-the so-called chaotic Brownian motion of dispersed particles - what we see when light is applied, and vice versa when we apply a potential with two electrodes to a metal chip lying on a metal sheet - we then see ordered magnetic field lines, and this also distinguishes the flow of a chemical flame from a beam particles of the accelerator, and if the Laval nozzle achieves the direction of the particle flow, as in the same plasmatron, we will get a more efficient rocket engine.
  That is, instead of a high-voltage generator giving the photon mode of oscillation of the electron-photon quasiparticle, we use the reaction of rocket fuel combustion in the oxidizer in the circuit, and we construct the resulting flame so that it does not look like an ordinary flame but a flame from a nuclear explosion, because secrecy which is still in the diversity of the widest range of reactions taking place in it, not yet understood, because technical sciences can not be investigated and theoretical physicists cannot analyze it due to the lack of practical They build their skills by working on an argument that, by composing false protected qualifications and academically [positions, makes it possible to maintain an influence on young scientists who, due to lack of knowledge and suppression of will in the Marxist sect, cannot draw other conclusions.
  The tensor of the electromagnetic field, as can be seen from the above view, expresses the electromagnetic field as a combination of an electric field and a magnetic field, mutually generating each other. And if ordinary hydrocarbon fuel during combustion will generate mainly Brownian vibrations from the photon component of the photon-electron quasiparticle with the formation of an electromagnetic field similar to a field from a high-voltage transformer, the fuel based on the plasma of halides will be hit mainly the rotational vibrations of the electronic component of the photon-electron quasiparticle oscillator - and if we pump this mode more with direct current - this effect is enhanced - the effect of ion acceleration in a static magnetic field, which imitates essentially the work of a particle accelerator, rather than simulating the operation of a microwave frying from all parties food. Which in practice is confirmed in the device of the atomic bomb, as well as the explosively pumped flux compression generator (EPFCG)on silver iodide and the MHD generator on black powder.
   Regarding the engineering and design approach to the development of a combined rocket engine on a pair of fuels, liquid potassium-sodium alloy / liquid bromine, it is logical that they first design the steel grade and from it the product, as well as design the cartridge and from it design the rifle, also to design a new type of missile and a new engine for this rocket needs to be designed with a new fuel - it is a fuel giving a plasma of alkaline halides. As for the rocket, I will say that the diameter of the rocket is actually not limited to the laws of aerodynamics, but to In fact, this limitation comes from the dimensions of the railroad - inherited from the horseback - that is, when the horses carried railcar trains of tram-type wagons, which means that in reality the modern rocket is built on the basis of the horse"s dimensions - the width of the chest giving a railway track, as well as being long in the stable the horse itself and the height to which it can rearing up - this is the size of a carriage that also went into the diameter of a cosmic rocket. That is, we still live in the horse age, and in the century of old Marxist sects for which um, for example, is not discharged gas, chlorine, but for them it is an emptiness that does not make except differences in matter - does not give differences in energy - for example, between a radio wave received by a boat and a cosmic ray of the same photon - because school programs for teaching claim to be Sufi sages wandering in poverty from old graves to ruined castles, in order to see the Divine Light at sunset - the flame that descendants try to make palm somolets like Papuans from leaves - they also want to imitate.
  I note that the vacuum also has a temperature, and the energy of the particles passing through it, and the dust level of the vacuum, and solid materials in the vacuum, whether it be a planet or the walls of a bulb, and burning from volcanoes of distant planets or from a poorly heated wall or from a defective gasket. That is, a vacuum is nothing, just as a particle or space cannot be considered from its essence - which just fits into the mathematical abstraction of a horse, which supposedly runs a certain number of times slower than the speed of light - which was in a mouse enii old Marxists sects two hundred years ago gave us the light of his descendants who runs Arrange horse fit missiles to fit them inside the horse, and this way of thinking still causes writing scientific articles in refereed and peer-reviewed journals and scientific magazine collections. .
   The Feynman diagram for scattering a photon by a photon is not correct, because the Feynman diagram itself is good for artistic billiards and again uses the pedagogical ball hypothesis, according to which elementary particles have no complicated structure like an artillery clock fuse, but supposedly an elementary particle is just a ball, just like for Marxist sectarians, space is simply emptiness. Yes, and the identification of a domestic blow itself, just like an apple bouncing off the floor, instead of analogy to moving a dewdrop on a cobweb, gives Again, the illusion of empty space and the simplification of the complexity of the interaction of two particles - caused by their complex internal structure is not similar to the two-dimensional balls of pedagogy children's education.
  In fact, due to the fact that the photon-electron pair is a quasiparticle, and in fact, the photon does not fly in the void, and it should, just as a drop of water jumps from a patina to a cobweb, flow from an electron of one atom to an electron of another atom interacting and mixing along their photons, that is, particles in the form of photons - which is also logical in the beam - must be able to shift interacting with other photons located on the atoms of space, by compensating for their oscillations - complementing the electron displacement - the photon displacement in the quasiparticles of a pair is a photon-electron. The Feynman diagram compares elementary particles with balls and billiard balls, and in advance assumes that the real picture of the physical world must necessarily correspond to a billiard table, or drum sticks and a drum - which Mr. Feynman loved so much. It"s better for me not to move away from quantum theory of horses and talk about bouncing a horse horseshoe from its hoof during cold forging by an undeveloped forge.
   It was an amazing time when he came up with the quarks, then the word et is taken from the art of the novel, reminiscent of the cry of gulls will involve perhaps as a reminder of the Bikini Atoll in the framework of deindustrialization and of denuclearization -with the green movement and the hippies and the Marxists have as a minimum twice repeated the trick - when instead of a mechanistic materialistic view of the world as they themselves stand for it,they replaced after Einstein's passages with quarks of a simple structure of elementary particles,which do not require the tension of the mind and the nobility of blood,as they do not require the tension of the mind in modern high-energy physics - consideration of a simple diagram consisting of two parameters that display even easier metallophisyst metal-solid diagrams, solidus-liquidus with the parameters in the pressure-temperature.That is, the electron moving behind him in space to pull the photon howst,and the photon moving in space gliding through the photons of foreign electrons also does not finger to be a quasi-particle of a photon-electron.And division of the field into mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field is merely an abstraction,when a single quasiparticle system is considered as a tiger carcass separately separately separately leg or the tail and a separate head, and in a single quasiparticle, the vibrational components of the photon tail relative to the rotational component of the head electron are considered as perpendicular in the two-dimensional representation,which as we see is only either the simplest simplification of reality and the simplest flattening of scientific consciousness,or simply incorrect application of the desire to combine the vector and the field -instead of combining the vector -combining the electron and instead of the field -combining the photon.
  It is clear that a photon can be attached to an electron in our minds, but to attach a vector to a field is difficult even for a person engaged in mathematics from the diaper. So, for example, the magnesium 26 isotope suggests that the theory of stability island 114 elements in isotope radiochemistry and ion beam physics is not absolutely correct - because it is a continuation of the nuclear shell theory, because the quantum theory has become so full that we sometimes don"t recognize any official scientific theory, and we continue to think with elementary simplifications not worthy of the mathematical modern basis that has been accumulated by Science.
  The idea of a simple hit with a bounce like a ball, pedagogical approximations to the ball, simplicity as a void, and other everyday unscientific categories of doctrines of Marxist sects - which take similarities and analogies from the everyday life of everyday objects of activity - people distorted the real picture of the world, and established the dictates of approximate pedagogical ideas by nominating them as a real objective world.
  It should be noted that Einstein"s theory was needed to overshadow and obscure the achievement of Mendeleev who realized that the most common simplest types of matter between the chemicals and elementary particles on the World Ether will be Coronium imposed on them, which is essentially an electron and Newtonium, which is essentially a neutron - dust dust plasma of star dust, in addition to electron, Coronium of electron plasmas also contains Newtonian neutron fields, but the mysterious death of Mendeleev and the trimming of the zero group of the periodic table for his sake oblivion and the advancement of relativism has now generally been distorted by specific statistical periodic tables of chemical elements - such as semiconductor properties used to emphasize properties - their word has now generally been removed from the name of the periodic table, I note that the semiconductor is also nothing more than a substance acting as a displacement of rotational oscillations of the photon part so and the photon-electron acting on the displacement of the vibrational electronic part of the oscillations of the quasiparticle - since the semiconductor and the the current has the same degree of transmission of infrared rays and the emission of photons of the optical wavelength range with respect to electric potential, and metal compounds with solid nonmetals are often semiconductors - which determines their combined effect on the oscillations of quasiparticles of bisoliton, as well as salts of metals and gaseous non-metals - alkaline halides and even more electrically conductive superionic crystals, which in addition to gaseous non-metal are also solid non-metal.
  As well as mixed semiconductors consisting of a pair of nonmetal and a pair of two metals acquire even more powerful semiconductor properties -for example CuInSe2 and InGaAs and the most unusual alloy of semi-metals - an alloy of antimony with bismuth, after which you can lead in this range is an alloy of tin with the tenth part of antimony and tin alloy with the tenth part of the zinc with the continuation of the series through cast iron -low carbon high alloy silicon chromium and vanadium cast iron to intermetallids tungsten-cobalt with the closure of a number of oxygen-free copper and then the potassium-sodium alloy as a combination of two active metals are opposite to the combination of two active nonmetals halogens in chlorine trifluoride with specific properties of the fluorides of platinum and the fluoride of antimony on the formation of magic acid and strong acceptors of electrons, then as contrary to sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride hydrocarbons devoid of non activity in relation to the electron and the photon of the electromagnetic fields of electric current and are powerful used dielectrics in powerful electric breakers current transformers installation or as chlorofluorocarbons in insulation non-iron induction linear accelerators,which speaks about the permissibility of looking at the change in oscillations of the quasiparticles of the electron-photon through the chemical structure of matter,and so we here is statisticall table of the elements traced and did the statistical number of chemical elements compaunds in different ways affecting the oscillations of a quasi-particle of the photon-electron bisoliton.
  The death of Mendeleev and the capture of glory by Einstein still does not allow us to fly to Mars, and Einstein only gave birth to physicists of incorrect abstraction of quantum physics who terrorized and belittled electrical engineers of nuclear electrical installations of experimental nuclear physics and nuclear reactor engineers in the future, which was combined with teaching young people instead industrial technology of work with radioactive substances and electrical high-voltage installations - taught some puzzles and crosswords consisting of rhyme of primary school and balls of the kindergarten program, and then they, as the politician pseudo-Academician Sakhakrov, were plagiarized to write other people's works such as the works of Yukva and Teller, and from these pseudo scientists were able to torpedo the USSR into Perestroika to destroy nuclear technologies. Because of what, as you know, recently there was an explosion in Nenoks when a liquid rocket with a nuclear reactor was launched, because the destruction of the USSR in 1991 gave the absence of the centralization of the atomic project that was under Stalin in USSR or in the United States during the Manhattan project, instead of which we see the processes of oblivion of living people about which the unrecognized Tsiolkovsky wrote and about the organization of the work of the soap factory Mendeleev wrote about what could be seen in the same Sarov in the form of a division reaching the critical mass in a subcritical stand with using a vacuum cleaner.
   The deuteron is a great example of a bisoliton when there is a proton on one side of the neutron on the other side and the muon mesons connect them, and when another system is added from the biolithor electron-photon to the system, it turns out that the dumbbell-shaped deuteron goes into another oscillation dimension from a dumbbell-like shape the form with the leading head and tube - like all chemical elements, and I think it"s correct to represent the proton as the inner tube and the neutron and p meson with the electron and photon as the outer tube go over to the leader The system"s head is a very good example of a theoretical representation of a change no longer of the type of oscillations - vibrational or rotational, but a change when new quasiparticles are added - to obtain other forms of oscillations instead of a system of equal rotating elements, I will call the dumbbell-like type of oscillations - to obtain oscillations with a leading head and tail, and rotational vibrations are carried by the head part, while the vibrational parts excite tubes inserted into each other - this is different elementary particles of the type of ion from a chemical substance such as an atom. And mesons of nuclear forces, for example, can also be shared with other particles for responsibility in the operation of this mechanism - calling them sea mesons or valence mesons connecting the head and tube, then our photons will also be divided into valence marine oscillating with valency electrons and photons are coupled by means of oscillations with the remaining electrons of the atomic shell
  You can imagine a quasiparticle of a photon-electronic bisoliton as if a pencil was inserted into two tubes and it is drawn more strongly into one tube or the other. Moreover, vibrational excitations act on the inner rod and exciting excitation spectra act on the outer two tubes. from the core device where the inner-ball is short and is located on the leading head that connects two tubes inserted one into the other, and therefore we can talk not about elementary particles and ions, but we can talk about particles r ев like oscillations between odianka heads - as in elementary chats, and vice versa as in head-to-tail cluster oscillations. Then it"s immediately clear why a photon with positrons gives a neutral pion - because they combine into such a similarity of three tubes and two rods and also decay into two gamma photons.
  Einstein only pleased the physicists of quantum physics who terrorized and belittled electrical engineers and nuclear reactor engineers in the future, which was combined with teaching young people instead of industrial technology to work with radioactive substances and electrical high-voltage installations - some puzzles and crosswords consisting of elementary school arithmetic and program balls were taught kindergarten simplified for primitive adherents of the political totalitarian sect, and then they, as Academician Sakharov, were given explicit agiat to write works of others such - as a work Yukava and Teller, and is obtained from these pseudo-scientists are able to torpedo the USSR in surgery for the fracture on the sixth of the Earth's nuclear technology. Einstein's exaltation and oblivion in the international circles of Mendeleev led to a leveling of chemistry relative to the theorists-pseudomatomatists of the sect of social quantum relativism. Let"s think about what could be attributed to uranium an atomic number of 120 and then doubling the theoretical Mendeleev on the basis of its own statistical table of atomic mass of uranium to 240? And this means that the processes of nuclear fission of uranium were already so intuitively interpreted by Mendeleev - because the number 120 is between antimony and tin, which are the products of fission of uranium by neutrons, and their original Eugène-Melchior Péligot then took for uranium a substance similar to an English alloy or puter - because they are easier to recover than more active uranium - which, for example, is chemically more active than even molybdenum with respect to carbon in steel, and Mendeleev doubled this number on the assumption that uranium is located at the very end of the statistical process. of a table, that is, he actually pulled out the mass of uranium from uranium fission products, but this was not perceived and an advertising campaign was held to praise both Einstein and Maria Curie - who was an honest person and scientist, however, it"s clear from research that even a technical school could not process uranium ore in experimental rather than industrial plants - and the mining and processing plants did the work for it, and in this operation it accepted the multitude of actors from several institutes that were left out of the brackets for the promotion of the socialist movement among the women of the household was placed on the factory.
  The fate of Mendeleev is similar to the fate of the unfortunate forgotten Tsiolkovsky who also note that of course in all the destinies of scientists are seen as supporting them and struggling international forces,and it is necessary to look at them primarily through a political prism that just paints the story - as a kind of wholesale advertised hypothesis,witnesses who are already absent - for poisoned or squeezed from the world or have not reached the end of the expedition of diseases rare disease.We can say that the persecution of Zhukovsky in Russia, Tsiolkovsky and belittling his work - which I will note autologously also similar to the works of Vernadsky in the form of inclusions of international socialist ideas - led through the denial of the paradigm of interplanetary flights in the future led to the struggle between Korolev and Glushko on the issue of creating a giant rocket that just could carry out such an interplanetary flight,as well as competition between the nuclear - what can be seen in the example of how the denial and oblivion of scientists engender from not the development of the scientific system within the country and the creation of several weak scientific schools instead of one strong -and who do not fruitfully cooperate -and who are at war with each other,and on the international arena then due to the weakness and underdevelopment of the national school out international political forces behind the scientific mask to establish their hegemony in the interpretation of the scientific structure of the World - because this place was not occupied and even previously stripped of real scientists who contributed to science.
   And the role of Vernadsky, for example, in uranium research also resembles his words about living matter, about which academician Lysenko"s student, Professor Lepeshinskaya spoke, which speaks most likely of international experiments, possibly carried out by japonese Unit t 731 in Pingfang with the Lysenko and lie Khabarovsk process in the Soviet Union, if only because that DNA is actually not DNA since it is not an acid from the notation of the chemistry of organic synthesis - just like amino acids, these are animal alkaloids from the point of view of pharmacology but in chemistry of organic synthesis, because DNA is primarily a polysaccharide because polysaccharides have load-bearing functions for large masses, as DNA is essentially the core bone that holds and receives loads - whereas small mass polysaccharides have signal functions and DNA, which is essentially deoxynucleopolysaccharide, is an intermediate polysaccharide of medium length structural properties in the cell also has signaling properties.
   And in fact, science is full of secrets and mysteries and a tragic fate, and not how we often want it to be full of wonderful discoveries and an easy fate, a wealthy farmer who can provide himself with such a coterie, who in the courtyard of a private house - on a bench in the evening looking at the stars does not can reach them neither mathematics nor chemistry.
  And because we forgot Menedleev and Tsiolkovsky, we forgot that by adding the mass of tin and antimony we get the atomic masu uranium - we again forget that you can"t intentionally forget people as Tsiolkovsky wrote about saying that the goal of a person is to fly to other planets, and not for example those what did Gorbachev pursue during the restructuring in the form of theft of the property of a deceased academician or the destruction of the creator of the USSR the Adhesator Sarantsev installation of collective particle acceleration in the USSR at JINR, Sarantsevs spheromak - without which it is still not possible to strip away ions in the elongated geometry of the accelerator of the electron-string ion source without going further into the dimension of a spheromak to accelerate ions behind uranium.. Science and the Empire, like any other business, require an unambiguous determination on whose you torone and does not tolerate half-completeness in actions and equally half-asceticism and half-calling.
  In the course of my research, I discovered that music in preschool education laid the foundation for the semantics of musical notation - after all, the first German reactors were clearly influenced by solfege and the Vienna Opera, and the discovery of uranium was due to religious paintings and the paint factory in Yohimstalla, for example, Mr. Kazinsky, which speaks about the way of harmonizing inspiring creative work of a scientist of exciting impressions, over the harsh methods of creating non-performing research teams, often absorbing their scientists nicknames - like Jupiter devours its Firstborn(the problem of the perception of a scientist is the problem of bringing up cultivation from the deep childhood of a future scientist as an art historian - the "aesthetic Superhuman", and not the creation since his coming of age of a narrow factory specialist, the party leader Superanimal, who does not see the general scheme and the Whole since , and able only to jaw-bite and goes to attack (for humiliation)at the command of the clown handler to tamming him.....).
  From the theory of music, it can be said that the electric motor - in this compositional general scheme of the composite drawing - is that dissonance (after all, xenon engines are weak), which combines the melody of a nuclear rocket engine with the melody of a chemical liquid rocket engine.
  Painting 2. The sketch for the Sufi parable of the elephant and the blind, and the allegory of the parable of the parable of the elephant and the parable of the grapes are called differently in different languages, and the image of the future rocket super-engine - as parts of different types of engines - as if the electric rocket engine were only with a trunk from a whole elephant, like a piece of a puzzle or an earlier oriental geometric ceramic tile (like V-1 and Fau-2 rockets come together in the "Soviet" spaceplan "The Tempest")(Burya)( in quotes understanding the opposite)
   In this part I would like to share the next round of ideas about interplanetary flights,caused by my reading of works in 11 years of works by Tsiolkovsky and in 34 years formed in many years of need not implemented a plan to address the issues of interplanetary flights.Unfortunately, I also can not implement and implement the following for the same reason that could not do it Tsiolkovsky.
  This can be divided into the following parts:
  1) development of a new type of electro-nuclear engine -in this article I have already described it.
  2)development of boron bricks for protection against high-charged high-energy hze ions of cosmic rays
  3) development of a new type of radiation shelter using ship's shrouds to the radiation shelter
  4) development of Sherpa biochips with selenium arsenide against radiation disorientation on the way to the radiation shelter and testing on swimmers engaged in diving with apnea
  5)development of a new type of high-altitude stations with high-altitude lakes for training astronauts
  6)development of a new type of aircraft to train astronauts on push-pull seatriplane, in combination with swimming in the four fins to create the body the adaptation of jumps.
  7) the Development of swimming in four flippers for training astronauts and launching them in the adaptation processes, with a combination of exercise acrobatic sports on push-pull seatriplane
  8) Development of devices for microgravity creation
  9)Development of centres startosphere gliding and exploration of near Space designed for the mass training of the flight to near Space in a stratospheric balloon and floating on stratopedarch and STRATOVARIUS -which will give the basis of selecting people for the flight to Mars and pedagogically will form another and the whole structure of training people from childhood beginning with the construction of aircraft, bringing them to adulthood to fly into near Space and parachute jumps from the stratosphere.
  Section 1. Development of a new type of electric nuclear engine
  Section 2. Development of boron bricks for protection against high-charged high-energy ions of cosmic rays
  To protect against high-charged high-kinetic ions of cosmic rays, I propose to use boron kripichi to create a protective structure from reactor masonry due to the low atomic weight of the material and the delay of neutrons by the boron isotope 10 and the delay of protons by boron 11.
  Section 3. Development of a new type of radiation shelter using ship's cables to the radiation shelter
  The creation of shrouds as on sailing ships as a system of ropes around the perimeter of the spacecraft will enable astronauts to quickly and efficiently climb into the shelter,working with their hands in weightlessness.
  Section 4. Development of Sherpa biochip with selenium arsenide against radiation disorientation on the way to the radiation shelter and testing on swimmers engaged in diving with apnea
  Implanted chips with a stock such as peroxide(fluorocarbon) for inclusion with the aid of MEMS micromechanically lattices of oxygen in the blood of a diver for protection from blackout with a dissolved oxygen sensor in blood would be an experimental tool for further tests on astronauts are similar Sherpa chip(used on the high-altitude training stations,including under water high-altitude lakes), using the semiconductor gallium arsenide selenium as substances latest breakthrough in radiation disorientation to the radiation shelter of an interplanetary ship.
  Section 5. Development of a new type of high-altitude stations with high-altitude lakes for cosmonaut training
  From the General vision above and below the listed technical tactical decisions it is visible that creation of complex high-mountain stations for training of astronauts is necessary.Highland lakes will give the opportunity to dive under water Sherpa implanted the biochips as well as to use them above when the mountain climbing to the mountain top. Mountain lakes will make it possible to run adaptive mechanisms with a swim in the four fins combined with acrobatic aerobatic flying on the coaxial Hydrotreating.The location of high-energy high-charge cosmic ray observation observatories at high-altitude stations will provide a basis for studying natural alkaloids and dyes and biopolymers with human hormones under the action of cosmic rays for bioluminescence - both in vivo and inb vitro -including x-ray emulstion units from such material.This will also make it possible to study cancer in the context of the cosmic ray factor. Also note that it is necessary for the same purposes of the development of space potential in human society, it is necessary to combine mountaineering with swimming in four fins and approaches on an inflatable hang glider type Kalbermatten Woopy using Alpine skiing or snowboarding -this is a vivid example with tourists in Antarctica who standing knee-deep in the water can not be provided by the organizers of the proper sports equipment,and in mass sports it does not allow the launch of adaptive processes due to the assessment of the flow of which is possible a deeper choice of astronauts to fly in Deep Space.
  Section 6. the development of a new type of aircraft to train astronauts coaxially Hydrotreating, in combination with swimming in the four fins to create the body the adaptation of jumps.
  Triplane delivered to the float chassis of the seaplane with two coaxial screws in the tail and nose will enable the acrobatic aircraft to increase maneuverability under the control of cosmonaut pilots.I think that tail part of the plane should be either cruciform or six-bladed.
  In addition to landing on the mountain hydroaerodynamic it would be possible to set the hook of gear arrester in short take off landing sistems.This scheme not occurred,although anywhere near this design solution.Addition could be takee for testing elements of acrobatic sports aircraft Triplane with coaxial screws and double landing gear on top and bottom for testing already on the plain elements of acrobatic aerobatics.Also consider the required piston aircraft designed for the stratosphere,done as the dive planes flying in the supine position.It is such a variety of training aircraft, with swimming in four flippers, it is possible to start the adaptation processes in the body of the comonaut training for interplanetary flights.If this seems easy to implement practical task,it should be noted that the scheme is push-pull seatriplanes has not turned out the engineer Dr.Josef Sablatnig and the last Kaiser Wilhelm II with Prinz Heinrich von Preußen - because of negative controllability of the development of military technology.
  7) the Development of swimming in four flippers for training astronauts and launching them in the adaptation processes, with a combination of exercise acrobatic sport on the push-pull seatriplane.
  Swimming in four flippers with pairs of flippers on the legs and hands to move them under water and over the water like the movement of a horse galloping trot with a deviation of diagonally opposite hands and feet - makes it possible to maneuverability of swimming - unlike swimming with an oxygen tank for diving - because as the famous world of biology high speed fish don't need fish because of the dynamic rather than static stabilization of the body in space.This sport is closer to the sports triathlon with a barbell,rather than closer to swimming, and in the sports literature you can find a prediction of its appearance.
  8) Development of devices for microgravity creation
  The most affordable scheme to create microgravity on a spacecraft is a kind of children's carousel designed for two astronauts.
  9)Development of centres of startosphere polarism and exploration of near Space
  For further round of space exploration considering that it is necessary to create Centers of stratospheric gliding.Mastering the Middle space, the stratostate, stratoplaners and stratoplanes as massauge involvement in the problem of conquest of interplanetary Space travel is the obvious and most simple step in the development of Cosmonautics.. I believe that the most appropriate scheme is the creation of a rocket gliders with the difference that in them pulsating air jet engine was changed under gasiform oxidizing agent -for example in pair of propellant cyclopropane/nitrous oxide with obtaining under development but in another embodiment of the detonation engine.
  10) The creation of a biplane wing on the basis of kite wing for snowboarding as a way to popularize aeronautics for a wider inclusion in the mass of people from which new ranks of the reserve for space interplanetary flights can be formed.
  The site "international centre of the Roerichs.Centre-Museum Named After N. K. Roerich" article "Tsiolkovsky" is described:
  "The most painful for Tsiolkovsky was his silence. It began around the beginning of the 90 - ies of the XIX century and almost lasted all his life. It poisoned his heart and soul more than anything else. It shattered his nervous system and burned his brain cells. He called it a "conspiracy of silence." "In fact, - he argued, - the conspiracy of silence is the theft of a man whose scientific achievements are silent, and they themselves, using his data, assign these achievements to themselves! This is precisely the "deep" meaning of the conspiracy of silence. At the mention of the true author always put forward pseudo-authors, i.e. thieves! The conspiracy of silence is a powerful weapon in the hands of scientific or literary robbers." And he suffered deeply from these robbers, suffered from his helplessness and from the immense human injustice.
  "Already by 1917, - he noted, - I, in fact, ceased to exist as a researcher with whom it was necessary to reckon. There was a cross on my name."
  On September 19, 1935, a brilliant scientist and thinker was buried, who connected the Earth with the boundless Space with his works. "There were a lot of people at the funeral, - Maria Konstantinovna Tsiolkovsky's daughter remembered, - not less than 50 thousand people. The workers of the design Bureau arrived - adherents of the all-metal airship Tsiolkovsky, students of the airship training plant. At the grave came a gun salute - a sign of military honor to the scientist-wrestler. And over the old Park, where his father was buried, a silver cigar of the airship floated low, dropping a scarlet pennant."
  He died of cancer, a disease that for the most part arises from inhuman overstrain, inescapable grief, malnutrition and need. Matter began to collapse, unable to withstand the mighty spirit contained in it by the will of cosmic evolution. The tale of "genius among men" had no happy ending, as one might suppose. The struggle for the cosmic path of humanity continued until its very last days. And until the very last days he was opposed by those who denied this path, who held on to the old routine existence, trying to block the road to humanity in the cosmic infinity."He died of cancer, a disease that for the most part arises from inhuman overstrain, inescapable grief, malnutrition and need. Matter began to collapse, unable to withstand the mighty spirit contained in it by the will of cosmic evolution. The tale of "genius among men" had no happy ending, as one might suppose. The struggle for the cosmic path of humanity continued until its very last days. And until the very last days he was opposed by those who denied this path, who held on to the old routine existence, trying to block the road to humanity in the cosmic infinity."(39)
  In this article I want to say that for a century nothing has changed in the structure of science formed from a mixture of blood-related relations with the replacement of science and scientists to the Trustees of the Executive system. Apparently this human essence is similar to the behavior of the birds such as cuckoo,with respect to the parasite - sorpresa, and little correlated exactly with the technological prorochestva. Neither the tsarist power nor the Communist power,nor the so-called liberal-democratic power, which are only shells describing the parasitic structure of human society unchanged for many thousands of years,unless of course you go further and come to the mosses and coral atolls with their craving for the creation of living herds and colonies, can change neither the essence of man nor the essence of society covered with a Fig leaf of the word Progress.
  The presence of a developed neocortex is a direct prospect of suffering in a society of people with a developed paleocrtex widely recruited in various universities,research institutes, educational institutions.Like such control for academic sinecure - you can remember Sovetskoe time in the Soviet Union like a set of academicians and professors from "movers"(which Vice versa and leave the real scientists rejected), and also with the replacement earlier in the Soviet time training for work or as now the game nor a little does not change human nature, replacing fangs sharper methods of organizing including start community.However, we know operational surprise is characteristic of mimicry insects and creeping beast,and is not unique for example for military theorization in the theory of tactics and strategy.The fate of Tsiolkovsky was originally determined by his development which gave like Vernadsky but not for the earth and for the Cosmos the theorization and didactic material for future generations,and found a dawn of torment where society is more called to eat and reproduce,including using the achievements of those who give themselves live others instead of for yourself.
  Such an organization of society as described by the emerging doctrine of "to each according to ability,to each according to needs" sounds more like "to each according to limitations,to each according to kinship."And I must say that the future of several hundred years of ages will not change is artificially restrained the development of society,paradigms of management horse of the Neolithic period.
  I am sure that thorns such as the crown of thorns is a measure of the new, which does not work in conditions of comfort, and was previously displayed in exile and penal servitude, that society was replaced by the attribution of scientific achievements of various kinds to "noble persons" and high-ranking officials.
  Thought as such takes place in the old leather with fasteners folios tormented by fungus and leather, somewhere it is in the form of the destroyed remains of scientific physical installations and industrial machines in the territories of the former factories of Perestroika. Progress as True is lumps and paramananda Lies in black.
  Even such titans as the conscientious lunar Rocket N-1 was sent to tears to descendants,as well as achievements of 70 years of the USSR -that society which could master Space.
  But along with centrifugal processes, there are centripetal ones,when thought is clothed with flesh,when the theorization that has fallen on good soil develops and materializes,flies like new planets.What I want IEPC in promoting sown by the predecessors of the ideas faded and gave it a stronger seedlings.
  To understand how to connect two objects through dissonance - materially since the invention of the double-sided axe Labris, try brushing your teeth every morning with two toothbrushes in each hand,and You will then understand the design principle of inventive technical creativity, which is identical to the methods of creating works of music and painting in art, and electric rocket engines need to be improved by applying this principle - for example, in creating a combined rocket engine for a flight to Mars.
  As you can see, I think the division of this article by type IMRAD format is also incorrect,because then the solution of the problem will be unstable - as the ancient Greeks spoke of as a Procrustean bed - in which modern scientists put the concept of the ancient Greek Ether.It is the ongoing offensive of the neo-Renaissance at Antiquity.
  Quantum-physical vacuum is a criminal accomplice of relativism. Quantum-mechanical vacuum - is the idea that the alleged vacuum is not a discharged gas,and something empty in space has magical properties - to break that are capable of inexplicably only specialists in quantum physics,the same they have and the idea of time as some real object -not abstraction,and the same material representation of space on the basis of relativism - as if this is not the optimal division for a sustainable solution of the problem by man or animals, but rather a real object,it is necessary to note that light is not meant as the interaction of molecules of matter with their atoms and appears as a kind of elusive essence again explained only by experts in quantum physics.I note that the quantum concept of a quark, in fact, contrary to differential topology, and level the drawing to the colored balls in a research paper - drawing little springs - as if to help and convince us of their prettiness.But I can't accept that a quantum mechanical vacuum is not a hydrogen vacuum in a Collider or a mercury vacuum or a chlorine vacuum.I cannot accept that the adepts and the quantum doctrine itself consider nonexistent objects as existing,and Vice versa considers existing material objects as nonexistent fictional mental abstractions. The false theory of physical vacuum serves the false theory of relativism,which are similar in the absence of either matter as in physical vacuum,or in the absence as in relativism of material particles that prevent the passage of particle rays-moving from atom to atom.It was the circumcision and oblivion of the periodic table that was necessary for the domination of quantum-physical vacuum and relativism.I note that real creators of the science neatly ideologically moved into the closet and forced them to forget -such as Mendeleev,and pseudo-scientists such as Einstein on the contrary has raised especially after a good death, about those who were forgotten.If we assume that the death of Mendeleev could not be caused by dry pleurisy and such as white arsenic oxide - as useful in all Smoking and hereditary cases, it is possible from this end of the rope to unravel the rest of the tangle of History.
  The discovery of the Tuya-Muyun uranium Deposit in the Tsarist Russian Empire and the creation of the largest aircraft by the engineer Sikorsky called the Russian knight, together with the obvious expectation of the return of new radioactive energy in the military business in those distant years, required the creation of a Revolution in Russia and the device of the First World war and the destruction of Empires - as large organizations capable of uncontrollably solve the issue of development of nuclear energy.And only mentioned events apparently Dali will prepare in creation of the totalitarian States and system of secret transfer of experiments on the nuclear weapon of the stiffened blood on Dyatlov Pass,and also to develop nuclear investigations from one center keeping nuclear chemical monopoly.Applying complex methods of conspiracy and counter-conspiracy - one of which was quantum theory and Marxist sects - this task was successfully solved.Removal of chemical and mining and processing methods from the didactics of teaching students,with the replacement of pedagogical theorization is not mathematically correct gave the effect that until now was inhibited chemical part and the electrical part describing the nuclear explosion,even with the known separate parts of its type of energy production under the influence of the explosion on the cesium iodide or about the flow of strong magnetic fields in a nuclear explosion or about the creation of Aurora during the action of barium in the stratosphere of the Earth
  When the Russian-German chemist Wilhelm Ostwald, who received the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1909, was shown Curie's laboratory in their absence, he could not believe that in this barn, "a mixture of the basement, warehouse potatoes and stables",although in defense of her say that in his writings she talked about working in all sorts of technical schools like the laboratory of the Paris School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry,but we know that the ore like processing nitric acid uranium tar - or rather, that it is necessary to bake with baking soda such as industrial tube furnace up to do this and spend the whole range of mining operations such as mixing in the yard of averaging of ore and after that she shall be subjected to crushing by the crushers and other highly specific operations of ore processing factories.And the name of the metal radium arose as the name of the revolutionary circle of Adam Mickiewicz under the name "Society radiant" (almost like Einstein's "das Lichtquant") with the doctrine of radiation virtuous man rays, beneficial rays on the surrounding people - the society later preimenovana in "Society Filaret" -which also draws on Marxist and reformist views such as the father of Mileva Maric.
  The elevation of the quinine plant - Chininfabrik where he worked Friedrich Oskar Giesel is prenesenie plant colors in Joachimstal themselves mining plants Joachimstal deriving uranium usche in the 17th century for the melting of glass -at a time when Denmark is also not likely but the first original patterns of particle accelerators in the form of he large electrostatic generator Van Marum Dutch electriseermachine.
  Elevation of Curie's spouses by official historiography and secondary uranium deposits to the historical uranium mining area - such as the Belgian Congo and the United States -is belittling the fact that Austria has long been mined uranium,and the oblivion of the joachimstal mines after the development of deposits in other countries and radiochemical experiments husband Curie is tantamount to the conservation of the former enterprise "Bismuth" USSR as the territory of Austria after the destruction of the bipolar world of the USA-the USSR in Perestroika in 1991.Then in 1905 was also Perestroika -the collapse of Austria-Hungary and it began in 1907 due to a number of reforms of the electoral system which ended with the introduction of universal male suffrage.And as write that Marxists have come up with as weapons stronger atomic bomb - in the form of endowing the illiterate part of the population with semi-knowledge.Then and 1907 with the chronology of events in Russia in the form of the death of Mendeleev and death in the other encounters before his death, Mendeleev him Secretary of Commerce Filosofov Dmitry Alexandrovich who was put on this main Russian revolutionary Minister Witte and incoming in this series death in the same year Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire Lamsdorf Vladimir Nikolaevich who has signed in 1902 an agreement with Austria about the suppression of the revolutionary movement occurred in Macedonia -and it is known that from forced labor in the mine workings after the events of 1689 and the uprising Karposh Macedonians fled to Vojvodina - and from the Autonomous region of Vojvodina originally wife of Einstein-Mileva Marich - daughter of a famous military and political achieving her daughters woman right to study with the boys,the same note military and reformer- as the Turkish reformer Mustafa Kemal Attatürk participated in the young Turk revolution of 1908 -without which there would be no events in Azerbaijan in the form of Nuri Pasha and the unrest that led to the USSR coming to power of Stalin who together with Beria made the Soviet nuclear program complementing the us Manhattan project.What happened in nuclear technology that we got the collapse of the bipolar world of the USSR-the United States -most likely due to the creation of accelerators using the most powerful sources of neutrons on nuclear cleavage reactions(neutron scattering source) as created by physicist Louis Rosen earlier called the Los Alamos center for meson physics (LAMPF), now renamed the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) and completed in 1990, the Weapons Neutron Research Facility project, as well as the design of cold neutron retarders for and the Hochflussreaktor HFR ILL project, which would make it possible, for example, to develop a stable isotope of Berkeley-which was actually the reason for the destruction of the Superconducting Super Collider project and the destruction of the it just complements the installation of the Project "advanced neutron Source project" - it is in the USA and in the USSR at that time was destroyed by the collective particle accelerator in the toroidal chamber the Adghesator Sarantsev which could tear the nucleus behind the uranium and to develop high speeds when acceleration of ions and how, the next step was the destruction of the Dubna Synchrotron -the units are designed as simple as automatic gunmachine Kalashnikov- a cooled solution of salts and having maximally emittance of deuterons together with the destruction of the organization which produced Geliymash helium and cryogenic spare parts to it is unnecessary proof,this article is about the United rocket engine is in fact a nuclear reactor with the emission products of a nuclear explosion through the secondary circuit - the world gets a new evolutionary leap in the spiral of the spiral which it will change even more than the previous time.
  And you can build three steps of nuclear technology: the radium source - neutron scattering source-the United rocket engine, which are imposed at the beginning of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire-the collapse of the USSR and the bipolar system of the world - and now the Brexit.Of course, the Second World war coincides with the development of nuclear reactors and accelerators of nuclear particles and their addition to the atomic bomb - also not by chance.
  This article was supplemented to the very end and supplemented - therefore, it does not need to correspond to the Procrustean bed of the stencil of modern pseudo-scientific articles. I will add important things again and touch on the topic of thorium nuclear reactors, for example, which can be seen now, when doctors write in Khakassia in Russia, doctors about the impurities of uranium and thorium in native gold mined in river beds and the danger of radioactive damage - but however, there are still no industrial deposits of thorium - although under Stalin a conspiracy of geologists was uncovered - and after Stalin's death, in Uzbekistan, the uranium deposit was re-qualified as a coal deposit by order of Khrushchev. To think correctly, you need to correctly speak and study the history of science in order to find false terminology and technology errors that prevent us from making a breakthrough in new technologies in Progress: If I myself hadn"t seen deposits swamped with silt and studied history and didn"t know many such stories from other geologists, I would definitely not have believed all this. With what it is necessary to deal with the introduction into scientific terminology of not industrial terms but of terms imposed by scientific totalitarian sects by referring to more hidden terms related to each other as denotatus and connotate. For example, a quantum totalitarian sect in science over time began to push semantic nests related to of nuclear physics in the context of quantum theory - so the previously existing old Soviet term "uranium boiler" or "thorium boiler" - was replaced by the term "nuclear reactor" with a bonus m to this was the oblivion of the ideas of a thorium boiler based on a thorium-uranium 233 alloy - moreover, the fertile material of fissile thorium is very combined with overly divisible uranium 233 in a thorium breeder, and also with such a false term that does not reflect the technical essence of the process and therefore does not allow a military device to be prepared from the point view of the design, technical and engineering preparation of production by removing the design intent in the product - is the term "chain reaction" which as a mathematical abstraction will be in the herd of horses and rotting watermelon - there will be no new processes of superionization of frozen plasma like in a nuclear explosion. I"ll digress a bit and say that a lot of problems intersect in the history of science - so the biological experiments of Unit 731 are initially international and the experiments in German concentration camps that now allowed us to do business in methadone is so intertwined with each other and with the subject of uranium that it is easier to find answers to white spots in the history of science by studying specific substances or specific secret laboratories and mutual cooperation about the seemingly opposing socialist doctrines - like the hammer opposes the anvil, or the blacksmith's tongs are implacable opponents of the blacksmith's hammer, or air bellows to the desperation of the blacksmith"s confrontation - which of course is ridiculous and very exaggerated because they perform the same higher task.
  As for example, an employee of the Soviet special services and at the same time Academician Lysenko mitigated the effects of exposure and also hid the radiological experiments on prisoners in the Gulag in Butychag camp and subsequent Bekhtereva"s works on brain, hid and now hide that DNA is no longer an acid but a polysaccharide as well as amino acids acids and animal alkaloids - and all the mystery is at the origins of the study - because, for example, a student of academician Lepeshinskaya talked about "Living Matter" which looks like DNA much longer than it was when this was done by official science, and Academician Zilber bought some monkeys for ticks in Japan, which, of course, could only be bought from Mr. Shiro Issii whose homeland experienced a nuclear strike not from a nuclear bomb but from a physical installation that is not a bomb, and if the battleship Yamato had not been removed from the port, then a large draped shrapnel of a dreadnought plane would have simply made stuffing, just as if the bacteriological military laboratory were not in Pingfan but on the super-dreadnought Yamato, any fortification could be hit with plague shells for example, in the form of a fleet headquarters hidden deep underground. So, there are also riddles about the German Nazi nuclear reactor - a nuclear reactor operating on thorium and heavy water, deuterium oxide, which is correctly called a thorium-heavy water boiler. And then we will approach very interesting points - for example, the fact that uranium can be leached out from under the earth using the same methodology as for heap leaching of gold and an old German reagent such as uranyl cyanide- as analog of fused aqueous uranyl nitrate - fused aqueous uranyl cyanide - tells us this openly. And it is precisely the need for legend and concealment of the truth that leads to erroneous terminology that does not allow us to fully invent - for example, the mention of the spherical cyclotron in post-war Japan hints at us tokamak, from which uranium hexafluoride and deuterium fluoride were removed as dishonest bakers are removed from butter buns butter and we come to the inedible theory of dark matter. The same interesting fact is that an analogue of an organophosphorus nervous poisonous substance like a herd was discovered back in the 19th century, and I"m sure that even the famous Soviet military chemist Fishman was used in the aerochemical war in Abyssinia even before the official recognition of the herd as a poisonous substance in 1936 - back in 1932 he spoke of a new class of new deadly poisonous substances, and a lie about finding a German Nazy notebook with formulas after the war only says that it an illiterate Soviet operational officer came up with the fact that there are a lot of intersections in technology - for example, the ceramic technology that Syro Issii studied was associated not only with his ceramic filters but also with piping with gadgets from technical chemical porcelain through which sarin could flow, and the same connection with diamonds for processing uranium, and the most interesting thing is that phosphoric acid fluoroanhydrides, being nerve agents, should better dissolve from primary ore concentrates of mining chemical production than their analogue - three isobutyl phosphate.
  That is, most likely, these substances were obtained first as reagents for the extraction of uranium by mining-chemical processing, and then they already discovered such deadly properties, and one of the signs confirming this is that, except for the herd, the fluorine-containing analogues have no combination of poison with poison - according to the principles of Greek teratological ornaments in order to achieve the incurability of poisoning, as opposed to the civil doctrine of toxicology and the extremely minimal dose of poison.
  However, this is not the most interesting - the interesting thing is that most likely these substances could be obtained in Central Asia by joint German-Soviet organizations somewhere beyond the Volga River - in uranium mines from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan - because in fact it"s a lie that these substances were obtained by the abbreviation from the names of German discoverers because their names have Turkic names, for example, sarin translating from Arabic as golden, zaman-soman in Kazakh era / time, and zhaman is bad because of the original meaning in in Chinese - like a horse, and in Hebrew - it means time, and in Arabic means "suffering from a chronic disease" and in Russian "saman" is building material for the house consisting of straw with clay and dung, and in Mongolian word "tabun" it is four and in Russian herd it is a herd of horses, and the word can be explained through Hebrew as if the letter Hebrew Lamed means hieroglyphic action - a beating hand - to remove from the name of the active legendary King Solomon, whose name in English is red salmon fish for swimming against the tide. That is, the names of uranium poisons and extractants encrypted by Soviet technical counterintelligence given by Turkic names - most likely due to the location of secret Soviet-German polygons in Central Asia, that is, we must return from the enchanted rhetoric about dark energy and dark matter and see how we tricked by false terms between the two World Wars.
  Truly they say that the one who rules the Past, the one who rules the Future!
  Not a nuclear bomb, but a superionic bomb, not a nuclear reactor - but a uranium boiler, not a chain reaction but superionization as well, we use the terms incorrectly - just like we don"t say chlorine vacuum or damask supposedly crucible phosphorous free machining steel and at the same time vanadium high-speed steel and some very strong a magical body bending into an arc with even more magical dendrites, God forbid, which does not fit into the simple materialistic theory of steel. And if you think that bulat wootz steel is far from uranium, on the contrary, in the first vanadium goes along with uranium as well as iron in Yakutia deposits and Yakutia diamonds - and all other diamonds also go along with radioactive substances such as salt brines with strontium, and without studying the science together about materials it is not possible to draw conclusions about cross-correctness in the sciences, especially where correction is needed in terminology for the correct design of devices.
  The chain reaction in the connotation of pseudo-mathematical abstraction is an incorrect term, since the linguistic word-building nest actually contains a cryptographically hidden meaning or one can say a steganographically shaded meaning in the form of a word of an absent noun in the form of white paint and a real crypto-gamming bigram "chain reaction of quantum physics ", which is also the case with the modern connotation of vacuum, where the noun in the form of a chemical element is also hidden - vacuum of what substation ??? - chlorine or bromine or uranium hexafluoride for example, and sometimes this hidden fake is pronounced "quantum physical vacuum", and white paint is the word "quantum" - that is, read instead of the term "nuclear reactor" with which the old term was replaced "Uranium boiler" - read it as a "quantum nuclear reactor", read the term chain reaction as "quantum chain reaction", and the word electric rocket engine - because it is as inoperative as the tokamak - read by decrypting this term as " quantum electric rocket engine "- because there is a quantization of high voltage because of what this engine does not work as a full-fledged rocket engine - it was already with the Landu saboteur and the high-voltage proton accelerator from the Tesla transformer, because there is no concept that plasma of superionic alkaline halides is needed an electron from a constant voltage as an electron - as a chemical element such as a hydrated electron radiochemistry or Koronium from the Mendeleev periodic table of chemical elements, because in direct current there are more electrons of thrones and in an alternating current there are more photons of force magnetic fields - this is, to be more precise, if an electron with a photon is an inseparable part of one common macro particle similar to the nucleus of the axial theory of the nucleus. Abstraction of a chain reaction is an incorrect anachronism - when sectarians of quantum science are made from weak pseudo-scientists did not know the simple mathematical truth that continuity is more like a packaged card solitaire in the form of additive-multiplicative mathematical continuity - and from this they did not know about the downpours of secondary particles and channeling processes in the crystal lattice - and it all came to the old sophism about Achilles and the turtle overtaking him - when our neutrons became a turtle and the nuclei of a static crystal lattice for some reason we became arrows in the form of fission fragments, because then not everyone knew about nuclear isomers and did not think about different types and modes of excitation of the nucleus.
  Old Stalin"s Korean reserves of monazite in Krasnoufimsk, thorium ore, are transported from Russia in an unknown direction, which is worse than the abduction of royal gold reserves during the revolution in Russia. Still in 1936, as they say, stood in a warehouse with bags of thorium ore, and a biplane with a thorium reactor inside assumed the fact that nowadays he could overcome any defense of air defense having a huge flight resource, especially in the performance of a seaplane, and being at that time in tandem with an aircraft jack, was launched from an aircraft such as the TB-3 aircraft in an operational deep into the enemy, he could overcome any defense being controlled by a man, just as for Germany at the same time it was already possible on the basis of the V-2 rocket to create the United rocket engine that I now propose for flying to Mars, however, ideological and intellectual handcuffs restrained this development and then restrain it now. I would like to say that besides that Beria and Stalin are executioners and cannibals of entire nations, they are also forgotten heroes and forgotten scientists and organizers of sciences - and such partly schizophrenic pluralism of opinions is quite correct from the point of view of combinatorics, but not from the point of view of strict logic, which is essentially an incorrect stump of subjective selective elements from the set - according to the perception of the philosophical category of truth and personal conceit of the researcher, but according to the search for similarities between opposites that makes a more valuable conclusion than the absence of such a search, which moves us away from the method of fluxia differential dynamics to the method of transformations combinatorics of algebras groups or, in other words, the inclination toward the multiplicative part of mathematical continuity from its additive component, which ultimately gives conjunctively ambiguity in the form of an identity of inclusive disjunction - which allows us to accumulate material without noting out important details for considering it from a greater distance, and also in case of error, we can double-check large amounts of information working in fact as parallel computer algorithms. Stalin and Beria were scientists, unlike the agents of influence Landau and Sakharov, who fueled pretending to be Perestroika itself, the prevailing doctrine internationally forgets Stalin and Beria as scientists and poses as scientists and scientists of Landau and Sakharov - the very Sakharov who was directly involved in the destruction of the Soviet Union and whose candidacy the work was completely written off by the Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa, and the principle of work was written off with capital errors in misunderstanding the need to launch a nuclear shares in the thorium reflector by the American inventor Edward Teller. I note that the first president of the USSR -the Gorbachev, who so loved accelerator technology and Dubna and destroyed them and Soviet scientists and organized an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, can now smell the radioactive tail from a rocket with a nuclear reactor from Nenoksa from his foreign apartments, exchanging after 33 years the large white flakes of nuclear ash of 1986 for a thin invisible aroma of radioisotopes of alkaline halides - products of the division of fissile materials in 2019.
  Transnational socialists pushed false quantum theory into the USSR and came up with a false theory that Stalin supposedly believed that quantum theory was needed to create an atomic bomb, although it is clear that Stalin was not an independent political figure like Hitler, and obeyed higher guidelines, and Stalin understood that it was not quantum physics in the form of textbooks for the spy-recruitment of scientific totalitarian sects, they will do this great job - and Gulag prisoners in mines and Gulag engineers prisoners in camps can create a nuclear bomb on German and American patterns as People transnational project.
  Shostakovich was not in vain criticized by Stalin because he used methods to create new cacophonies - when you take several dissonances and combine them with one melody, others apply methods in a symphony - namely, combining two symphonies with one dissonance, i.e., from the side of inventive creativity and art history you take the melody "liquid chemical rocket", the melody "electric rocket", the melody "nuclear reactor" and combine it with dissonance - rocket fuel liquid bromine / liquid potassium-sodium. Also, as if you are making an extractant for uranium, you can combine the fluorine phosphorus molecule and get sarin, but it will not have this teratological combination - as in the ancient Greek teratological letters that there is, for example, a mustard hybrid with phenyl dichloroarsine - that is, there is a combination of dissolving groups in order to get a good solvent for uranium and thorium, and not a combination of two poisons in order to get a more incurable poison.
  Stalin and Beria were forgotten because they were the connotation of industrialization in the global World, and not the connotation of modern deindustrialization and population decline by total extermination by false social subcultures and narcotoxins such as Captagon and pyrovalerons emerging from the German Nazi nuclear program and the American Manhattan project as counterintelligence and sabotage methods - although their predecessors Khrushchev and Malenkov, who survived Perestroika, were no less cannibals, and I note that Stalin fought against the Soviet people and Hitler fought against the German people and they won because we eat a convenient lie which feeds us very conveniently and we don"t have to strain our minds and suffer from it - because it is very dangerous, for example, what could a dead Russian inventor Boris Derkachev could tell and his installation Paut for the alluvial river ore production of fine ultrafine gold which was just suitable for the thorium mineral - monazite and it was found with a broken head in garages - this is a real bonus for real scientists - either explode or be killed by a big state or being torn to pieces by a foolish crowd of inhabitants - just as Dyatlov was killed talking about the transfer of metal plutonium production technology to the USSR, entire Gulag contraction camps for the extraction of which could be killed by lethal injection, and science is journalism and not propaganda, or like pictures for children or mentally backward in the literary genre "scientific article".
  Science is not Einstein receiving the Nobel Prize, science is the head of a gold mine lying dead in Yakutia in one ditch, and Boris Derkachev lying dead in another hole in Voronezh - in these modern simplified crosses in the form of a ditch with a shadow from a birch - the crosses of the scientific religion that they brought to the end. The poet Velimir Khlebnikov said: "Naked freedom comes, throwing flowers at the heart, and we, walking with her foot, talk with you to heaven." The poet Joseph Brodsky wrote: "Here lies a merchant from Asia. Explained / was a merchant, he is businesslike, but invisible. He died quickly - a fever. On commercial matters, he sailed here, and not for this. Next to him - a legionnaire, under rough quartz. He glorified the empire in battles. How many times they could have killed! / a died an old man. Even here, Postumus does not exist rules. ".
  At the August session of the Supreme Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of 1948, Stalin organizationally put forward the idea of "Einsteinism" in physics. A collection of articles "Against idealism in modern physics" was published, in which Soviet followers of Albert Einstein were attacked. Tsiolkovsky, who rejected relativistic cosmology and the restriction on the speed of motion, did not accept the theory of relativity, and now we know that it is possible to accelerate particles to different speeds determining their energy - but then Einstein did not know about it. In 1952, an article was published by the prominent Soviet philosopher Maximov who branded not only philosophy, but also Einstein personally, "to whom the bourgeois press created advertisements for his many attacks on materialism, for the propaganda of views that undermine the scientific worldview and emasculate ideological science." I note that morally Einstein and Landau looked like two drops of water in a large, dirty dung pool. Stalin considered this theory an idealistic perversion.
  The thorium bomb originally developed by the Germans was the right step, because it shared better faster neutrons that were thermalized from the hell of an atomic explosion, and here you can also see the restrictions introduced on the process. you can lead a heedless life bonvivant.
  Perhaps the nuclear reactor for the rocket I propose may be better done not on americium carbosilicide in silicon carbide rods - but it might be better done on an old German thorium breeder from an alloy of fertile material of thorium with fissile material in the form of an uranium 233 isotope with the control of either protons or deuterons from the accelerator on the backward wave, since we see that controlling the reactor with control rods for such missiles is not suitable especially when starting from the sea, when it becomes an argument of the exponential function in the trigonometric function of the tangent, and the third derivative referred to as "instant impact" is no longer equal to itself - which technologically most likely means a change in the friction forces between the control rod and its channel, as well as the action of inertia forces and the introduction of autoresonant perturbations of the ebb-and-flow gravitational oscillations of the water surface that if there is no isolation on the supply of control rods over will lead to autoresonance processes.
  A chain reaction is understood as a false simplified pseudo-quantization of pseudo-continuity as a sequence of unit divisions, i.e., quantization and simplification of a complex model to successive processes are also assumed, not to mention channeling of particles in the crystal lattice and vice versa about causing showers of nuclear particles and, as it were, forgetting about strong magnetic fields accelerating these particles - that is, a quantum abstraction in the pseudo-mathematical model of chain reactions is firstly directed against chemical materialism , and secondly, it is directed against physical materialism - since chemical materialism says that in fact, in a nuclear bomb, in fact, alkali halides are formed from uranium with special strong current conductivity - this is from the side of chemical materialism, and from the side of physical materialism is a quantum pseudo-model of chain reactions lies regarding the simplification of the fission model of fissile radioactive substances by considering the fission process in the likeness of the famous sophism from Zeno"s aporia about the runner Achilles and the tortoise, but here we have a modification of sophism when the tortoise allegedly overtakes it by the arrow it issued, because in fact the particles inside the crystal lattice can travel a much greater distance channeling like in the Kumakhov neutron lens, and when they collide with the nuclei, they generate again, firstly showers of high-intensity nuclear particles - and secondly, these fissile uranium or plutonium showers of particles are not formed only by neutrons of just one type of elementary particles - it is also formed by gamma photons and electrons and pi-mesons and mu mesons as well as various nuclei such as carbon in cluster radiation - as well as with the well-known thermonuclear scheme where the role is played by deuterons and lithons from lithium deuteride. That is, it is a lie to lie, and it drives a lie. And this is not an innocuous pedagogical simplification is a strike with a stylet under the armor of two plates in the form of a plate of science and a plate of industry - this is the bridle that prevents humanity from flying to Mars and prevents electric rocket engines from working on the right technological approach. And modern electric rocket engines is a cacophony in which the dissonance "alternating current" is connected with the dissonance "single-element fuel of noble gases" is connected by the common melody "rocket engine." It is surprising that no one has yet tried to accelerate both iodine and cesium in an ion engine - although a design solution lies on the surface, but no one implies salt bidentate ion-anionic fuel in electric rocket engines - rocket fuel that emits organic gases is considered at best.
  Because the products of a nuclear explosion are not some abstract consequences of a chain reaction (like a flock of integrals) - a chain reaction whose properties are an increasing decomposition of matter - for example, when watermelon decays due to bacteria or a rotting herring with bulging eyes from parasites, and the products of a nuclear explosion are alkaline halides of fission products of uranium or plutonium nuclei. I introduce a new term - chain ionization, but its meaning has a completely different meaning than the term sect of quantum pseudo-science and has a different connotation It is not abstractly pseudo-mathematical, but has an objective real technological industrial connotation - representing a nuclear bomb as an explosive pulsed salt reactor - where salts are formed during the fission of uranium and later on the atomic bomb works as a gas-phase nuclear reactor involving the Earth"s atmosphere in electrical phenomena and its rocks and causing processes such as rain or earthquakes in view of the electrical component of this process, and even a nuclear atmospheric explosion is a kind of tornado what a nuclear tornado, and as you know in such natural phenomena as a tornado or tornado, the first role is played by electrical processes (yes, then it would be more logical to name a nuclear explosion as a "superionic tornado", because the word nuclear bomb does not reflect the structure of the bomb on the basis of this path better called the uranium boiler of the explosion does not reflect the processes involved in the explosion of the earth"s solid and air atmosphere -- but in the words "nuclear bomb" you need to hear "quantum nuclear bomb" and "quantum nuclear explosion" which is an impudent propaganda of the quantum science sect heretically whoredom not knowing the elementary properties of mathematical continuity). I note that such an approach would give, for example, a nuclear control rod of a reactor made of silicon-doped uranium as a magnetically soft alloy to a nuclear bomb, as well as manufacturing a shell layer of a bomb from strontium-barium uranate - based on the role of piezoelectric fission products and capture products rocks by a nuclear explosion on the explosion itself and its subsequent consequences in the form of weather effects, as well as the manufacture of fissile material of the atomic bomb in the form of a complex salt - tri-potassium octa-chlorine plutonate K3PuCI8.That is, any scientific theory is an additional pillar for technology, and a lie in science gives a lie in technology and a lie in the finished product. Niels Bohr, who imagined the atomic nucleus as a ball, laid the bomb itself under the construction of atomic bombs and under atomic physics, and now such lumpen physicists think that an unexcited atom has no dimension at all, representing it as a certain point possessing magical quantum properties, I"ll notice these quantum properties now are not too lazy and pass it to the wootz steel bulat by finding fuller in it s and its derivatives, carbon tube housing generally surrounds the magic of our world, and scary, and makes to give without remembering the basics of higher mathematics, which was read back in the wooden libraries - which have already been destroyed by political followers of this transnational chaos.
  If you assemble an atomic bomb of three potassium octa bromide plutonate with cooling by the first two cooling circuits from the cooling loop of liquid potassium - a sodium alloy and the cooling loop from liquid bromine, then you can confirm this theory - and give instead of a false name the atomic bomb causing us a false antimaterialistic a pseudo-dogma such as "quantum bomb" - although not abstract atoms explode but concrete uranium or plutonium, instead of the word "atomic bomb" we say the word "Superion bomb" or "explosive salt reaktor "or explosive cauldron superionic plutonium salt.
  An abstract mathematical model of the chain reaction exists not only in a nuclear bomb, but also in chemical explosives and even in a rotting watermelon or in a flock of breeding birds - which does not make them a terrible destructive weapon. But in a flock of birds or in a watermelon there is no decomposition of uranium into an alkaline halide plasma providing its superionic conductivity to the freezing of a magnetic field. A chain reaction is an incorrect term for the semantics of the pseudo-science of a quantum totalitarian scientific sect to distort the correct applicability of mathematics, and in my term the chain ionization, the term "chain" semantic socket, was used not in the de-industrial connotation of anti-materialism, but rather how exactly the transfer of the excitation of the electromagnetic field from device to device in a nuclear bomb - from a capacitor to a cathode "plutonium superionic cathode" - meaning compressible plutonium implosive sphere. It is superionic crystals such as silver iodide-cesium and their analogues that form similar effects with complex alkaline halides of fission products of uranium and plutonium in a nuclear explosion.
  I"ll clarify the used word of the electromagnetic field - I"ll say more precisely the electro-photon field - which also seems to correct as the meaning of the presence of certain magnets as particles, that is, again incorrect terminology like the term "electromagnetic field" combining a word particle and name physical device "permanent magnet" in the combined name -and formed historically at a time when they did not know about the role of the photon in the transmission of magnetic fields. Which is identical by analogy, for example, the term dynamo-photon field - as if we did not know that when the dynamo works is a electrons produced, but rather I wrote previously produced by combining particles of more complex at the head of the electron and photon in the rear and serves striking examples are not ballpoint nucleus theory - serving as an example of the axial core theory.
  Both the chain reaction of quantum physics and the atomic bomb are again incorrect terms even with loose logic - it"s more correct to say a plutonium bomb or a uranium bomb or a mathematical model of an explosion, because here again the false connotation of the quantum sect is hidden - the quantum bomb allegedly explodes because of the quantum chain reactions. Also, for example, as a wife beats her husband with a wooden rolling pin, and the rolling pin has such magical properties to switch from a temporary portal of stars to a temporary portal of resuscitation - moving in time and moving in a multidimensional space from a blow - the properties that supposedly give it the exponential function of the motion of the rolling pin trajectory to the husband"s head.
  Maybe I"ll surprise you, but the word "nuclear reactor" is a false word and it"s more correct and correct to say "uranium boiler" - for example, because they don"t call "NIKA" correctly in Russia and they cannot build because they understand that a collider is a nuclear reactor and, in fact, correctly saying that it is a "uranium boiler" - maybe as a "electron-helium boiler", even because there it is right to disperse uranium nuclei - which cannot be dispersed by the incorrect design of the collider, and all this because such installations require well-known solutions of reactor engineering and should be done by military experts on the old German methods of producing technological documentation for mobilization of planned military economics and fortification support of the facility, and not imitate the work of civilian scientists who are neither scientists nor nuclear specialists, and this can be traced from the jokes of Academician Meshcheryakov at JINR over specialists in the construction of nuclear reactors half a century ago to the modern day, when, according to the Landau testament, which destroyed the Soviet-German project of an accelerator for splitting lithium cores with the help of Koch-und-Starzl DC transformers - which led to the fact that a hundred years later the NIKA collider collects the current source without building it in the form of separate buildings and without installing devices that repel birds from the local landfill - as for example Kharkov in the institute "Lightning" - which is part of the flesh of the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology because of the provocateur and liar Landau who did not receive the Nobel Prize.
  Soviet pseudo-scientists such as Sakharov and Landau are faithful descendants of Giordano Bruno who wrote disgusting pamphlets against the Church and was engaged in recruitment into a spy organization and was no different from his predecessors in the Ulugbek observatory whose purpose was to destroy the surviving religion and aesthetics of the aesthetic Superman of Antiquity in oases of the deserts of the Orient.
  You can best see the real additive-multiplicative continuity as a combination of additive integrals and multiplicative integrals in Tibetan music combining notes with the voices of animals and in the flag notation of Tibetan notes - the ancestors together with the Arabic letters of the late European musical notation recording system. when it"s not necessary, they connect / generalize the categories, and when it is not necessary, they disconnect the categories.
  The mistake of analysts' thinking is that when they are not needed, they connect / generalize the categories, and when they are not needed, they disconnect the categories.
  A logical mistake - like in bulat wootz steel with its dendrites - when they think that it is not phosphorus that makes crumbling crucible steel - that makes it refosphorized and resulfa rized by free machining steel, and vice versa, vanadium that makes steel, on the contrary, is quick cutting - which in total gives the effect of the surface self-sharpening and working on a free abrasive from chipping itself as a type of diamond paste on cast iron mechanics, and as if some allegedly the main thing is that the magical properties elusive for the prosecutor"s office are like a vacuum, which is supposedly not discharged th gas - such as a fluorine vacuum or tritium vacuum, and some quantum-mechanical properties of "magenta purple matter", which, by the way, in the bulat wootz steel literature is inserted from sectarian false nanotechnology - modification of the heresy of quantum lies - as the content of fullerene - a closed polycyclic superpolyarene and the same carbon tubes - supposedly giving magical properties with one of its presence, just as if science could greatly improve industrial technologies that have not been changed for centuries, and the only thing now is dein deindustrialization in the form of tungsten non-alloying of turning tools with tungsten replacement with powder steel and an electro-spark alloy coating for actually worse working conditions and industrial control of imported products, as well as industrial control due to excessive automation destroying the scientific and technical creativity of the factory working rationalizers, as well as instead of using some large-tonnage products in other industries according to the type of interindustry balance - such as processing potassium alkali of coal to Agriculture fertilizer, on the contrary, is replaced by redundancy in industrial products with specialization leading to non-standardization of products and falling sales of the main large-tonnage product and falling share of the occupied market and, consequently, falling profits. Thus, emptiness creates emptiness, and fullness creates obesity and abundance - such as how the reduction in the number of employees does not actually optimize production - but shortens the life of the organization, and vice versa the recruitment of new employees kov gives the most important thing - the possibility of developing the organization, which, unlike dividends, is the most important for the organization as a legal fiction, and what is important for any developing system.
  Previously, mankind developed better because there was a natural selection through wars, but now with negative aesthetics and ethics we get a negative selection of mankind when the strongest lie in the graves and the unworthy live their lives for them.
  The word atomic reactor or nuclear reactor immediately brings us out of differentiation - a uranium boiler, a thorium boiler, and in fact does not have a connotation of generalization, but has a connotation of the legendary industrial intelligence of totalitarian factories for totalitarian pseudo-scientific sects. Old terms "uranium boiler" or "thorium boiler "more precisely, besides the description of the construction, it also bears the stamp of the history of the construction of these specific experimental physical devices of the fissile matter industry (and not nuclear materials)
  Also, the second part of the development of the nuclear industry, in addition to the emergence of powerful spallation neutron sources, is the development of fuel for them, namely thorium, as in old German thorium boilers. And we see interference in the creation of powerful neutron sources based on spallation reactions in accelerators, as well as in the thorium nuclear program in the form of, for example, the death, or rather the murder of an Indian scientist - the developer of the thorium three-stage Indian nuclear program Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha. High-charged high-energy thorium ions in accelerators and especially collective accelerators such as the Sarantsev Adhesator, however, the special services and Gorbachev and the fragile many other physicists at the JINR and other scientific organizations of the Soviet Union, whose bodies were buried under the will to advertise pizza exchanged for the Empire, completely destroyed Sarantsev"s family life.
  and now it can be seen in my city too - when industrial zones of a city are built up with multi-storey buildings and they destroy the last preserved thermal a languid power plant that could supply the Voronezh metropolis with the city"s satellite, Novovoronezh, because Perestroika-2 is active in Russia, similar to the processes of Perestroika during the collapse of the USSR. The destruction of the Pulkovo Observatory is vivid confirmation of this.
  One of the promising technologies was proposed by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). According to his project, it is proposed to use thorium nuclear fuel, and to use a proton accelerator as an ignition reactor driver. Getting into thorium atoms, protons with high energy cause their decay with the release of neutrons in spallation reactions, which are used to stimulate nuclear reactions. Lead is used as a heat carrier, and in principe this is not surprising, because the optimal thermalization in an explosive thorium boiler is the same as the acceleration of protons, and the same possibilities are unlimited breeders on thorium - financing of which is replaced by financing of incorrectly working tokamaks
  Kurchatov openly and deliberately closed the possibility of making a thorium breeder in the USSR by giving deliberately false data, first by saying - first of all, saying that a breeder on thorium supposedly needed uranium 235, although he knew that uranium 233 was needed, and then he gave an example telling if thorium should be used with uranium 233, then everything will work out with a thorium breeder, but again, supposedly, as a cooler, you need to take not heavy water, but use helium - thereby destroying your project to build a working thorium breeder stand - boiler thorium / uranium is heavy water. However, the thorium breeder was also actively destroyed by the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - as a reason to stop allocating allocations to the nuclear industry. And in 1977, President Jimmy Carter banned the commercial reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, citing concerns about the spread of technology that can be used for the production of nuclear weapons - which was directly related to uranium 233 and the thorium breeder. The crash killing of the great Indian reactor physicist Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha who invented the three-stage technology for producing fissile material in a thorium breeder is clear as a clear sunny day. In the USSR, the Institute of Physicotechnical Problems of Metallurgy and Special Engineering was destroyed under the Restructuring and Destruction of the USSR because that he worked on the thorium cycle problem. Thorium breeders from Siemens and General Electric were also destroyed, like the accelerator in Kharkov, which was calculated under the acceleration of lithium nucleia half century ago.
  With the end of the research on thorium reactors, the ambitious research on the separation of protactinium came to an end. Over time, the role of protactinium in the production of weapons-grade uranium 233 from thorium was largely forgotten or rejected by the thorium community, but it seems to be part of the key to creating an effective alloy for thorium boilers, especially explosive protactinium boilers due to its excellent fission by highly thermalized neutrons, and apparently the " Layer Cake" Sloika Sakharov bomb, which is actually a by Edward Teller as "Alarm Clock" hydrogen bomb It could be possible to have another shell of, for example, a layer of protactinium in the form of its complex fluoride salt with potassium, coated as enamel on top of the thorium reflector. And of course the uranium-233-thorium-protactinium alloy would also be very suitable, given the control of a nuclear reactor via the deuteron accelerator driver.
  Now there is a development of works on salt-cooled thorium breeders, but this is not quite what the Germans had in thorium / uranium-233-heavy water boilers at the height of the race to create a nuclear reactor while moving away from a radium source of neutrons as the first nuclear-physical device The thorium breeder worked well in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 1964 to 1969, but industrial development was interrupted in 1976, ostensibly due to the lack of credit, but in fact, the goal has been since the days of German work on a nuclear reactor, or rather a boiler thorium-heavy water - the goal is to destroy and prevent the development of the nuclear industry of all countries of the world, because it confuses the false theory of population control since the time of Sparta and the Greek island policies, because thorium says that the nuclear industry will feed everyone and give everyone natural resources especially combined with the transition to deeper wells for mining and rush pseudo-hateful pseudo-international pseudo-liberal ideology created after the destruction of the two-sided of the USSR-USA world. I note that the absence of confrontation and war as an integral part of human relations has given weak politicians to weak scientists and has given rise to a world degeneration that actively artificially reinforces the creation of false negative social subcultures that deny both society itself and the religion that created society. Note that the terms of Gorbachev such as "Perestroika" and "Acceleration" were taken from high-energy physics and accelerator technology, which is especially cynical to hide behind the terms of Progress to destroy it, because of the prophets are in the trenches, and for a crowd often are wolves in sheep's clothing.
  It must be said that it is not surprising that the molten salt itself - which has an analogy as the corium of fissionable uranium products - is simulated by molten alkali halide salts - its fission products.
  Reactors on molten salts mainly work for thorium, about which Vernadsky said that he stands outside the geochemistry of water - mainly observed separately in rocks, which is what his name says monazite, which suits Chagall's poem about Vitebsk more than Pushkin's poem about gold and damask steel. In fact, salt-melting reactors imitate the corium of the melt of fissile material and therefore have interesting specific properties, which, for example, made it possible to isolate metallic thorium for the first time. from its complex alkaline halide when exposed to potassium, which was done by scientists of the 19th century, and their unlucky followers in science replaced potassium with calcium and chlorine with fluorine and received frequent explosions, which were deployed during metallothermy, armored cabinets where metallothermic reactions were originally carried out. That is, the rejection of homogeneity gave jumps of transition embodied in explosions. The same two explosions as after installing false hydrogen decomposition catalysts advertised as "post-Fukushima protection" that accumulated hydrogen without decomposing it and then initiating an explosion of detonating gas with ionizing radioactive isotopes of noble gases - that reaching a certain concentration of hydrogen and turning the turbine - which tells designers that any innovation should not break the system into suboptimal dimensions from which it ceases to be stably controlled. Such problems often are associated with the lack of scaling and stenting, which especially aggravates drawing not by hand on paper but by working in computer programs when an engineer relies not and his often irrational experience, but relies on a layman programmer to make a computer program, sometimes making an engineer think of teacher"s templates and limiting his excessive creativity in duplicating device systems. This is an honor that the proposed United Rocket Engine needs current isolation and system duplication, with the presence of shock absorbers and explosive booms.
  Reactors on molten salts mainly work for thorium, about which Vernadsky said that he stands outside the geochemistry of water - mainly observed separately in rocks, which is what his name says monazite, which suits Chagall's poem about Vitebsk more than Pushkin's poem about gold and crucible bulat wootz steel. In fact, salt-melting reactors imitate the corium of the melt of fissile material and therefore have interesting specific properties, which, for example, made it possible to isolate metallic thorium for the first time. from its complex alkaline halide when exposed to potassium, which was done by scientists of the 19th century, and their unlucky followers in science replaced potassium with calcium and chlorine with fluorine and received frequent explosions, which were deployed during metallothermy, armored cabinets where metallothermic reactions were originally carried out. That is, the rejection of homogeneity gave jumps of transition embodied in explosions. The same two explosions as after installing false hydrogen decomposition catalysts advertised as "post-Fukushima protection" that accumulated hydrogen without decomposing it and then initiating an explosion of detonating gas with ionizing radioactive isotopes of noble gases - that reaching a certain concentration of hydrogen and turning the turbine - which tells designers that any innovation should not break the system into suboptimal dimensions from which it ceases to be stably controlled. Such problems often are associated with the lack of scaling and stenting, which especially aggravates drawing not by hand on paper but by working in computer programs when an engineer relies not and his often irrational experience, but relies on a layman programmer to make a computer program, sometimes making an engineer think of teacher"s templates and limiting his excessive creativity in duplicating device systems. This is an honor that the proposed United Rocket Engine needs current isolation and system duplication, with the presence of shock explosive booms absorbers and water hammer.
  I see in Stalin"s attacks on cybernetics that excessive automation has now forced the worker as an inventor-rationalizer out of the factory and made such a regression - that the criticism of industry emanating from the so-called "green technologies" -that destroyed the very advanced line of defense of industry from hissing serpentine de-industrialization - industrial nuclear reactors in factories were such an important device. And the currently used genetically modified grains that cannot produce prolific grains - the so-called terminal grain technology - this is the answer about how the genetically trafficked girl Stalin poisoned, and instead of using large-tonnage materials in one industry in another industry, such as a product for processing potassium alkali of coal - on the contrary, industry raises industry as fertilizer or when high-tungsten high-speed steels increase the volume of metallurgy products while powder coated steel with special coatings only makes it possible Colonial control over the output of the metalworking industry. As you can see, everything is very complicated and ambiguous, but it has common practically applicable ways of applying theology and philosophy. Therefore, an electric motor should combine industrial rocket technology and industrial technology of nuclear reactors, and two books should not be combined - in one of which is the word dark matter, and in the other there is the word dark energy.
  I will note that many questions were clarified when communicating with former employees of scientific organizations and are a kind of exact ethnographic folklore of the history of science. The entrance of my scientific activity constantly posed obstacles, in comparison with which a flight to Mars is not science fiction, which means if there is something more complicated - for example, human society - then the flight to Mars and to the Deep Cosmos and colonization at least by robotized factories(thorium ore and kriolava-for rocket) of the nearest planets becomes our eyes - already historical evidence in which we are directly with you as scientists about electric rockets. I want to note that for this program I also developed methods for training astronauts in the hydro-laboratory swimming pools with swimming in four flippers with the use of acrobatic aircraft sports on a new type of aircraft invented by me (which were not given before) - push-pull coaxial screw seatriplanes, also came up with protection against hze-ions (for which it is also necessary to investigate the bioluminescence of hormones from cosmic rays) in the form of radiation shelters from boron bricks of natural isotopy - with the guys to get to it in the living space apparatus, I suggest Sherpa biochips (which can be tested on divers during apnea in high-altitude space bases in Europe) on arsenic selenide semiconductor for the last dash to radiation shelter - in conditions of radiation disorientation (which can also be controlled by carousels for two to create microgravity and vestibular training)
  Thank you Dear Colleagues and Seminar organizers for your Attention and for the Organization of this IEPC 2019 Conference.
  References and Internet files (not only refereed journals, as it would be too narrow), which I recommend for a more detailed understanding of the combustion processes in magnetic fields and in neutron fields, including the influence of nuclear isomerism and hot nuclei after capture neutrons, as well as other very specific problems that need to be considered:
  1)Injector design and test for a high power electrodeless plasma thruster. Master of Science Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2012 XR-EE-SPP 2012:013. Author: Robin Linde. Supervisors:Nickolay Ivchenko and Romain Delanoё. Space and Plasma Physics Department KTH. January 6, 2013
  2) Wikipedia. Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_Specific_Impulse_Magnetoplasma_Rocket
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